Anonymous ID: 107156 Jan. 19, 2020, 11:17 a.m. No.7855686   🗄️.is 🔗kun

IMF Chief Warns Global Economy Faces New "Great Depression"


How's this for some New Years optimism?


The new head of the IMF, who took over from Christine Lagarde in November, warned that the global economy could soon find itself mired in a great depression.


During a speech at the Peterson Institute, IMF Chairwoman Kristalina Georgieva compared the contemporary global to the "roaring 20s" of the 20th century, a decade of cultural and financial excess that culminated in the great market crash of 1929.

Anonymous ID: 107156 Jan. 19, 2020, 11:18 a.m. No.7855690   🗄️.is 🔗kun

47 Syrian Soldiers, 51 Civilians Killed In Last Three Days: Russian MoD


A total of 98 Syrian service members and civilians were killed in militants attacks in the last three days, the commander of the Russian Reconciliation Center in Syria revealed.


“Since January 16 of this year, as a result of attacks and shelling of militants, 47 Syrian servicemen were killed and 77 were wounded, 51 civilians were killed and 116 injured,” Maj. Gen. Yuri Borenkov said in an official statement released on January 19.


The Russian commanders added that the militants launched dozens of attacks in the last few days, noting that they are using regular ammunition and weapons from NATO countries.


Earlier this week, the Abkhazian Network News Agency (ANNA) shared photos of the remains of a Turkish-made 122 mm rocket that was used in an attack on civilian areas in Aleppo’s city center. The attack claimed the lives of seven civilians and injured eighteen others, including children.


The militants began launching attacks following a new ceasefire agreement on Greater Idlib that was brokered by Russia and Turkey.


Pro-government activists claim that the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) will soon launch a large ground attack in southeast Idlib and southwest Aleppo. However, these claims remain highly-unconfirmed as for now.

Anonymous ID: 107156 Jan. 19, 2020, 11:19 a.m. No.7855699   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5970

The Kalergi Plan & The Cultural Suicide of Germany: Almost 50% of Newborns are NOT GERMAN


Merkel’s work is finished.


She and her pro-Muslim immigration counterparts have ruined Germany.


The damage done would take generations to fix, if it is even possible.


Germany has lost her cultural identity and has fallen to Islamic takeover.


This video has gotten half a million views since being published a year ago, and with good reason, it does a great job pointing out some unpleasant truths. Ever wonder why Merkel and EU Presidents Rompuy and Junker are proud recipients of the Coudenhove-Kalergi Society annual prize? No? Well, you’re about to find out!


Germany has been undergoing a direct attack on its native German population since the fall of the Reich in 1945, due in no small part to the plans of Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, Theodore Kaufman, and Henry Morgenthau Jr.


This video gives a brief, but thorough glimpse into the ideology of racial replacement, implemented by your favorite EU bureaucrats. Great clip of Nigel Farage delivering one of the great insults of political history to Mr. Rompuy, at the 1.44 minute mark. That alone makes this video well worth watching!


Share widely, these are facts people need to know.


Ever heard of The Kalergi Plan, before today?


Europe’s “refugee” crisis and the Kalergi plan for white genocide

Celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain thinks it’s great that in 70 years there won’t be any more white people


The cultural suicide of Germany is no longer a conspiracy theory.


It is a reality.


Germany: Muslims complain about pig breeding, city bans it for fear of offending them

10 Muslim Immigrants and 1 German National Gang Rape 18 yo German Girl

Christian Statues in Germany and Canada Beheaded

Merkel’s Germany: Migrant Repays Host Family by Repeatedly Stabbing Their 11 yo Son and Shouting “Die, Die, Die!”

Devout Muslim Walks Out Of German Prison With $8,000 After Serving 15 years For His Part In 9/11 Jihad Plot


Americans must pay attention to what is happening in Europe because the Muslim invaders’ plan for America is much the same.


It won’t be stopped with political correctness and bleeding hearts.


We must get tough on immigration NOW, before critical mass hits America as it has much of Europe.

Anonymous ID: 107156 Jan. 19, 2020, 11:20 a.m. No.7855707   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5861 >>5885 >>5898 >>5903 >>5995 >>6149 >>6272 >>6420

The Bizarre, Fascinating World Of Monaco, The Wealthiest State On Earth


Monaco has had no income tax since 1869

About one-third of Monaco’s residents are millionaires

All of Monaco could fit inside Central Park


As the global business and political elite prepare to meet in a pristine Alps resort in Switzerland next week, another place 330 miles to the south probably has more millionaires and billionaires per capita than even Davos will.


The tiny principality of Monaco, on the southern coast of France, has more super-wealthy residents per capita than anywhere else on the planet.


Occupying less than a square mile in diameter (smaller than Central Park in New York), Monaco has a population of approximately 38,000 – but about one-third of its residents are millionaires (versus one in 28 in London.) Moreover, about 2,800 of Monaco's residents are worth at least $10 million.


The Global Wealth Migration Review by AfrAsia Bank of Mauritius and New World Wealth, a global market research group, based in Johannesburg, South Africa, stated that the average wealth (defined as net assets) of a person living in Monaco was about $2.114 million in 2018 – the highest such figure in the world. Liechtenstein came a distant second at $786,000, followed by Switzerland ($315,000) and Luxembourg ($300,000). The corresponding figure for the U.S. was $186,000.


Monaco also has no poverty.


Damyana Bakardzhieva, a professor of economics at the International University of Monaco, said if one used France’s definition of poverty – that is, those people living on an income below $1,100 per month – than Monaco would have a poverty rate of zero.


A “country” this unique has many strange qualities. For example, Monaco is a constitutional monarchy run by the House of Grimaldi – the oldest dynasty in Europe – and has been recognized as a sovereign state since 1861.


The natives of Monaco, called Monegasque, are vastly outnumbered in their own country, accounting for less than 25% of the population. The remainder comprise foreign residents primarily from France, Italy, U.K., Switzerland, Germany, Russia, and the U.S.


Citizens are forbidden from gambling or even entering their luxurious casinos.


Monaco has four casinos – Casino de Monte Carlo, Casino Café de Paris, Sun Casino and Monte-Carlo Bay Casino – all of which are operated by the Société des Bains de Mer, or SBM, a publicly traded company. For the 2017-2018 period, SBM reported revenues of $223 million.

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Monaco also provides free health care and free education to its citizens and even housing subsidies to qualified applicants.


But even Monaco has certain problems familiar to other nations – as a very densely populated state (more than 49,000 people per square mile, versus 317 for France), it has a housing shortage.


To solve this, Monaco is constructing new luxury beachfront homes and boutiques through a land reclamation project set to cost $2.23 billion. Due for completion next year, the construction will comprise about 646,000 square feet of luxury accommodation, 33,000 square feet of retail space and a new private port.


Also, it’s very costly to live here.

Anonymous ID: 107156 Jan. 19, 2020, 11:22 a.m. No.7855719   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5869

California Teen Kidnapped and Raped by 3 Latinos, Uses Snapchat to Save Herself


No word on whether these men were actually legal or not, as usual, but if nothing else it is another reason to build the wall.


Those that come from South of our border come from a violent culture and they are bringing that culture with them.


We have enough bad guys already in America.


We don’t need more.


Incredibly this teenage girl had the presence of mind to save herself from these monsters.


KTVU reports:


SAN JOSE, Calif. – A 14-year-old girl who had been drugged, kidnapped and sexually assaulted used Snapchat to tell her friends that she was being held against her will and her high-tech actions led to her safe release, San Jose police said.


The girl “Snapchatted” her friends on Tuesday morning to say she had been taken by three men and did not know where she was, according to Sgt. Enrique Garcia.


Her friends then used Snapchat’s location service to figure out that she was that she was at the E-Z 8 Motel at 1550 N. First St. in San Jose and called 911.


Police arrived about 11 a.m. and saw Thomas Vasquez exit a motel room and found the teen inside. Vasquez was arrested on kidnapping, false imprisonment and rape by intoxication charges.


Detectives said they later learned that Vasquez met the girl in Capitola earlier that day, and gave her drugs. She was knocked out. Vasquez called two others — Antonio Quirino Salvador and Hediberto Gonzalez Avarenga — for help.


The three put the girl in their car, police said. Vasquez sexually assaulted her in the car, and then the three of them drove to the motel where Vasquez sexually assaulted her again, police said.


Police took Salvador and Avarenga into custody on Wednesday on kidnapping and conspiracy charges.


Anyone with information about this case or similar incidents involving these suspects is asked to contact Detective Anthony Barajas of the San Jose Police Department’s Sexual Assault Investigations Unit at 408-277-4102.




I get tired of the term “sexually assaulted” don’t you?


The girl was raped.


Again, California continues to be victimized by lax border policies while Golden State politicians attempt to keep filling America with illegals.


California Justice: Court Overturns Conviction of Illegal Who Shot Kate Steinle

Gov. Gavin Newsom commits financial suicide for California by expanding taxpayer-funded health care coverage to illegal immigrants

2 Illegal Alien Killers In California In 1 Month Protected By Sanctuary State

California: First Illegal Alien Appointed To State Post

Why Do Liberals Protect Criminal Aliens?

Millions of Your Tax $$$ Being Spent to Provide Special Care For Delinquent, Gangbanger & Pregnant Illegal Alien Minors


California is not alone in its push to roll out the red carpet for illegals, but it certainly is at the forefront.


Thank God this young woman was able to keep semi-calm and save herself.


Many victims are never heard from again and written off as runaways or unsolved crimes.


Stop the liberal open-border BS and let’s get tough on criminals.


We don’t need to keep adding to the pool of bad guys.


Things are spiraling out of control and it’s not just California — it’s everywhere!