I am German and I can confirm.
almost every single social institution is under constant war by leftist ideology:
Universities have become Antifa Hotspots
Lesbian- and Gay community have become Identity Politics leftists safe spaces
the right to demonstrate in public has been seized by leftist and corporate sponsored groups like "Pulse of Europe" or "Fridays for Future" who are on the organisation level mostly identical with antifa, old marxist groups and semitic bullshit groups who for example aggressively see antisemitism everywhere…
the political spectrum has been shifted so far left that even the conservative party CDU has open borders politics under Merkel…
Journalism has been replaced by "Attitude Journalism" ("Haltungsjournalismus") who comes along as leftist bullshit and constantly bashing the conservative right AfD Party, the last demonstrations by general public or Trump as "inhumane" and "sexist" and all the other slurs.
whilst all this is taking place, in public schools 1/3 of all kids are muslim now…
people who dont even speak the german language can be seen in the shopping streets from the morning hours shoving 3-4 kids with them whilst the normal, educated, single householt german waits till his late 30s to even early 40s till he decides he can finance to have one kid…
Soon elderly Germans will be in senior residence centers with migrant personal who dont give a fuck about them.
Even the courts from time to time now accept sharia law as a point when it comes to reasoning..
Germany has been under a constant war on all levels except the classical one: No artillery. The people feel unease but cant grasp whats going on. They are waking up in masses and begin to understand, that the absence of falling bombs does not mean peace.
But yes, it could be that it is almost too late now.
Trump and Putin, together, maybe could safe Europe one more time. Europe is the hotspot for a lot of sickos not only Soros (Ukraine) but also Freemasons (France, Swiss, Germany, London), rich Saudis (Berlin, Paris, London) and Rothschilds.
I still trust the plan, but man, it has become dark. It is late in the game.