Anonymous ID: bb2ac8 March 24, 2018, 11:45 p.m. No.786045   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Children should NOT be being hormone drugged, mutilated, and their mental disorders validated as normal with sex change operations or the whole world bending backwards to accommodate people with mental/personality disorders.

Anonymous ID: bb2ac8 March 25, 2018, 12:15 a.m. No.786200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6272


Media said plans are to meet in Helsinki, Finland. Why do so many idiots just post shit and not look things up. Too many idiots all over the place. Look at all the idiots who thought that "theory" of montagraphs about since there were NO intentionally SAVED pages on wayback of a school project blog for reported TX bomber meant what Monty said. NO he was NOT looking at code from a blog to show when pages created. ONLY looking at when people actively like I do all day long with intent SAVE a URL to a archive site. RETARDS. There were pages of people claiming he was a genius. Then vids of others claiming he was a computer expert and had figured out when posts made. NO.. retards. Same w/ all those who believe all the rot being put out by Field McConnel.. idiots! How totally ignorant, profoundly stupid and lacking all forms of critical thinking are so many of you? Then the Jason Goodman making vids and all the retards 100s claiming Marcy "Surrendered" which meant ALL SAS surrenders. WTF! The most pathetic examples of need for sterilization, eugenics, and abortion. YOU all are they REASON we have been enslaved for centuries in all this false BS created slave control systems. You are just to stupid to function, bring down the rest, and have no fucking clue and don't even try to learn, use critical thinking, logic.. even when facts slam you in the face.. GO BACK to where ever you came from. seriously.. You all spread the most ridiculous BS. Look how many of you idiots thought when Q posted about Trips/travel that it was about Trip codes, and that Q would who knows all about those, didn't? Then some of your explanations about that were also wrong. Look most of the stuff Q posts is all KNOWN, for a LONG time by MANY people, even stuff from the 10th. And then you continued to get it wrong and spread all sorts of BS all over the place making EVERY and all of this look like a bunch of fucking idiots. LURK MOAR.. this is not a place for everyone to use like their retarded social media and tell us what U ate, or especially your pathetic weak personality flaws and CULT worship. THAT is the opposite of what ALL of this is about.. YOU want to jack off and post stupid shit to Trump do into on socials.. not here.. harms the process, clutters up board and makes us all look like retards. Trump nor any one else even a Q team are NOT gods, nor perfect, nor right all the time.. stop your pathetic CULT / Slave mentality.. again THAT is how we all got into this mess.. YOU are the anchor to all our freedom, liberty and advancement.. BTW all your religous texts and dogma are also WRONG, perverted, stolen and twisted for CONTROL / enslavement and you all just lap it up. Learn Real history.. All you do is prove the decline of civilization YOu prove u cant even intellectually FEED yourself, have to be spoon feed or will die.. well then…. and the decline curve of intelligence due to many factors.

Anonymous ID: bb2ac8 March 25, 2018, 12:48 a.m. No.786366   🗄️.is 🔗kun


exactly 1st thing I thought when that new stuff posted, as recalled the specs on the prior post.


now when accessing something you also look at any long game options.. WHAT if the stage is set via ALL the haters ie all controlled media etc really to jump on something they have been promised.. and a CD shown in a safe. ALL attention focused, all easily proven the press was at reveal, so can't ignore.. THAT would be a great whammy… that is just speculation of a long game to let the paid for role prostitutes run earn their shekels.


WE do know for a fact and have since last year about the vids from the informant working undercover with the briefcases for of CASH for Clintons for selling uranium, harming national Security, and violating law, and treason. The Dems like Feinstein have continually been obstructing those hearings, and presentations. The witness has had his life endangered several times, including shootings. He also is dying of cancer.. these fuckers the Dems and controlled owned Rep bitches orchestrate ALL the time for many decades I have been watching over & over blocking truth, and covering up their heinous crimes. The biggest dangers are always from the Duel citizens, which should be illegal.. They want to destroy USA, all that is good, and are mammon evil worshiping cult, who want all the retarded sheep to believe their pedo/murderous commit continual global genocides LIES.. so they can move to opening doing their sacrifices and blood rituals to their demons.. all under their blue and white flag.. Learn to know EVIL, see it, call it out to stop it. Stop contributing to it.