Anonymous ID: c9bd4f Jan. 19, 2020, 2:56 p.m. No.7857282   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7288 >>7323

Good video trying to make Kemp accountable re geoengineering


Text (paraphrasing) of video after the federal level intro stuff…


Have you tested the rainwater and if you haven't have you seen the results of our rainwater tests? Also are you aware that many of the people sitting in this room right here have very high levels of barium, aluminum, strontium in their blood. People are getting sick and dying. And we want the ? not to give us a little a little speech but speak out against it if you know what's going if not on I suggest you do a lot more investigation. We've been doing it for years. I'd like a comment on


1) what's in the rainwater?

2) what's in our blood and?

3) if its not coming from geoengineering is it your responsibility to investigate that and tell us where it is coming from?



This is what is important to you Kemp?

90% AI. People in Georgia have had enough of #geoengineering!

Trees are dying everywhere and you want to talk about Amazon?

Working hard to bring lawsuits against the state of Ga