Anonymous ID: e46d6f Jan. 19, 2020, 3:06 p.m. No.7857344   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7373 >>7424


The key to entire post was about using gematria.( taking a look back at 43 connections and the map is a good idea, but Gematria,, kek is another thing altogether)

If Q ever confirms to us that we should use Gematria, then people will find posts like that Notable, otherwise it's BS.

I've seen decodes saying this phrase equals this number and it means this( well it could also mean thousands of other words or phrases) so person is picking out what they want it to mean is not realistic nor has meaning.


Now if you ask Q if anons should use using Gematria, and you get a yes response, then anons will hop onboard the gematria train, kek

Anonymous ID: e46d6f Jan. 19, 2020, 4:23 p.m. No.7857967   🗄️.is 🔗kun


we need as many people out there red pilling as possible. I watched one or 2 of polly's videos a year or so ago. She seemed like a patriot.

Has she said anything that makes you hate her?

Other rthan accepting donations, like most everyone does, who has any video show on youtube and other platforms. I fpeople want to give money to people on youtube, that's their business.

I would never ever donate to any of them.

If they do good videos and are pro Q, pro POTUS, pro freedom, etc then i have no problem with that.

People on youtube can reach audiences 8kun will never see, kek

Anything that spreads the great awakening is good and needed.

However if it's not related to any research here, it should not be posted about unless it is relevant.