Anonymous ID: c120b2 Jan. 19, 2020, 4:58 p.m. No.7858333   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8424

California’s AB5 Already Crushing Freelancers


In 1971, author Isaac Asimov wrote an extraordinary novel, The Gods Themselves, about a machine that generates unlimited energy for free, defying the fundamental economic principle known as scarcity. It is later learned that the Electron Pump is originating from a hole in space that connects parallel universes. Doomsday is nigh as it is discovered that galaxies will soon be destroyed, and the sun will metastasize into a supernova. The crux of the story is comparable to what is transpiring in California.


State lawmakers possess an infinite source of good intentions, using the eternal supply to pave roads to hell. Wielding the power of this limitless commodity of benevolence and munificence, politicians are regulating the lives of citizens while eviscerating their existence in the process. If this is goodwill, then we can only imagine what the state is capable of when it desires to ruin you or your business.

Anonymous ID: c120b2 Jan. 19, 2020, 5:01 p.m. No.7858357   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How Much Have Americans Been Spied On By The Gov’t Since 2001? Sharyl Attkisson Provides The Ugly Truth


We’ve all heard about at least some of this before. Thanks to Full Measure for producing this new segment reminding us about why this should tick us off. Independent journalist Sharyl Attkisson also provides an update about her own computer intrusion by the U.S. government in this video.


We begin with an examination of one of the worst abuses of government power that could happen in our society. Illegal spying on U.S. citizens. Amid findings about egregious violations by our intelligence community, there’s a criminal investigation. And the court that approves surveillance on U.S. citizens has instructed the FBI to implement new safeguards as of this week. As our intelligence agencies face what may be their biggest scrutiny in decades, we examine how we got here.


Our examination of government surveillance controversies begins in 2001. Under FBI Director Robert Mueller, new rules were imposed to address FBI abuses.


FBI Agents had repeatedly gotten caught submitting false information to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to justify wiretapping or spying on U.S. citizens.


Unfortunately, increasing surveillance on non-consenting Americans by a variety of entities seems to be the new norm thanks to new and unsafe technology being forcibly installed throughout our communities (see 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) and even on our homes. Activist Post reports about this regularly. For more information, visit our archives.

Anonymous ID: c120b2 Jan. 19, 2020, 5:13 p.m. No.7858461   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Anon's stop falling for every slide!


So many replies wasting the bread.


Every bread for the last few weeks some posts about us being immature or tits or I'm a reporter from the nyt or some other bullshit and you dumb faggots eat it up every time


Drop the fucking EGO who cares stop being emotionally triggered!


Watch now I'll get 20 fucking replies