( why does the date on camera pic say Jan 15th 2020?)
spittballing here,
I wonder if Buck took pictures, in case he got in trouble( because his cracked up male prostitutes kept dying) so he would have something to pressure/blackmail schiff and whatever other dems went into his crack lair.
So when he gets in trouble, he can say hey, pull some strings or i release these.
Obviously it did not work well, and he got arrested, and the police have the pictures.
He could have another friend or person holding them too( or worse pics), or a dead mans switch. But if he was a liability due to his crack addictions and dragging all these strange black male prostitutes off the street, then they would have wanted him taken out, if he presented such a danger.
Since Schiff is one of their keys to their only hope of getting Trump.( they have ZERO hope( GOD WINS))
NSA has everything,, so they might have copies of those pictures too.
Incase authorities in California try to make them disappear.