Anonymous ID: 43f8a4 Jan. 20, 2020, 1:06 a.m. No.7860246   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0254 >>0263 >>0299 >>0467 >>0656

The Shot Heard Around the World >Showdown @ the V.A. Corral    


For greater perspective,  let's compare/contrast the following info to see what picture begins emerges:


i) Highlighted Areas of Attached Q Posts: "Socialist push in US/WW a coincidence?" & "Was 'Nazism' ever truly destroyed?". 


ii) 1982 WSJ article about Yuri Andropov's rise to the top of the Soviet Communist Party which documents his successful suppression & deception campaigns In the USSR and abroad:, 


iii)  1957 6 page clown report re: GULAG operations, living conditions, prisoner demographics, provides historic insights into the ultimate intentions & nature of perpetrators of the silent war we are watching unfold. An important reminder of what the authoritarian ideology means in actual reality. 


iv) Project Veritas Bernie Sanders Expose:   



– Could we be dealing w/ the remnants of Soviet Intel intentionally inserted in the C_A, just as we've learned that numerous former Nazis were intentionally inserted into the ranks of the C_A from it's origins during/post WWII?  


– Q has confirmed that the Cabal will use all forms of political ideology/demagoguery (Socialism/Communism & some variant of Facism) to achieve their centralized global order, which is at it's core complete ww totalitarianism and full spectrum

dominance over mass populations, economics, markets, currency etc. 


– Q has underscored the connection between the two ideologies in attached post  #1688: "Study NazismCompare/contrast Socialism push. Push for a Rebirth. Who financed then? Who is financing now?"  The same institutions/orgs/families/corporate & foreign interests (i.e. collectively [them]) are the same platforms/extensions perpetrating/underwriting the 'silent' war we are engaged in now. Whether Nazism/Facism or Socialism/Communism they are 2 different fingers on the same hand, two 'subdivisions of a larger organization', 2 sides of the same coin. 


– Tomorrow in Richmond – the cabal & their DS/clown operators will TRY to stage elements of both 'ideologies' ( i.e. charlottsville 2.0 w/ fake Unite the Right & GS Astroturf Antifa) to create a fake clash, division, fear, distraction, civil unrest, etc to achieve their near-term goals (diversion, political intimidation, anti- gun/racism (MLK Day) propaganda push, etc).   


– Q's predictive markers will be playing out right before our eyes. Will be dasting to see what POTUS/Q/Patriot Alliance have planned to counteract [their] highly coordinated subversion/deception event.  


What a SHOW on the 2 yr. delta of Post 572 (1 day ahead of schedule)! Extraordinary!!