I have often thought to myself that if these c0cksuck¡ng n¡ggerfagg0ts in the california showbiz industry really wanted to be on the side of good instead of evil, they would make a movie in french about the Haitian revolution and show how forcing africans to grow sugarcane in a tropical paradise just leads to toussaint l'overture bIack¡ng all the wh¡te w0men in haiti. Instead we get the degenerate bIacked p0rn industry in california, which should be moved to h0ng k0ng or taiwan or s korea or vietnam to mess with china imho. Don't we all know how and why Rome fell? Italy's own modern historical scholars admit that Rome fell due to a "contagion of homosexuality". Do with that info what you will.
Anyone have that old editorial cartoon of abe lincoln with the haitian revolution in the background?