Why we shouldn't formulate policy based on the ideations of teenagers.
Who organized?
Who paid?
Massive psyop
Indoctrinate the youth into hating freedom.
In their minds: Bill of Rights = Badthink
Next: 1A = Hatethink
Any attack on Bill of Rights is attack on
Kid looks like a snake
But who pays for the snake's actions?
To kill the snake strike at the head
ActBlue Technical Services $334,514 $0 $334,514
Collective Super PAC $10,000 $0 $10,000
Democratic State Cmte of Massachusetts $6,000 $1,000 $5,000
ActBlue Non-Federal $4,291 $457 $3,834
Graham, Lindsey $3,500 $3,500 $0
Jones, Doug $83 $83 $0
Matias, Juana $50 $50 $0
Murphy, Christopher S $50 $50 $0
Pappas, Chris $50 $50 $0
Hassan, Maggie $25 $25 $0
Soros Fund direct contributions
Priorities USA Action $10,506,693 $10,506,693 $0
Senate Majority PAC $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $0
Immigrant Voters Win $3,000,000 $3,000,000 $0
House Majority PAC $2,188,000 $2,188,000 $0
American Bridge 21st Century $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $0
Planned Parenthood Votes $1,500,000 $1,500,000 $0
Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $605,231 $605,231 $0
United for Progress $545,000 $545,000 $0
Safety & Justice PAC $530,000 $530,000 $0
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $433,000 $433,000