Video I found on 'RobUniv' Youtube Channel (the channel Q directed us to to view the Eisenhower Farewell Speech)
Fascinating audio of JFK & Gen. Eisenhower's 'historic backchannel'. it's a call between the 2 of them where JFK is asking Gen. Eisenhower for his advice regarding what sounds like an imminent invasion of Cuba.
What's dasting is that Former Pres. Eisenhower gives him the greenlight and states that he doesn't believe that the Russian's would retaliate w/ nuclear weapons. He really encouraged him (JFK) to move forward w/ the invasion basically.
JFK thinks that the Russians might want to avert the invasion and offer Berlin as an exchange.
Quite wonderful to hear their voices– take a listen. I found it on the youtube channel (RobUni) Q directed us to tonight to watch/listen to the Eisenhower Farewell Speech.
Could Matt Gaetz REALLY be a [tool] for [them]?
I love the guy & hate even thinking this, but…
Very curious that Matt Geatz from the Freedom Caucus didn't make the cut to join POTUS' legal Team today? Hmmm…he is an attorney afterall.
Gaetz started this strange self-deprecating #hashtag about himself –#MattGaetzIsATool (pic related) on Oct. 29 2019, with this odd hammering gif reference:
"The GIF comes from a music video cover of Miley Cyrus' 2013 hit "Wrecking Ball." The man in the video? That's Chris Minaj, who describes himself on Twitter a somehow loving pop music stars, Bravo TV, and being a "gay #gaymer."
Could Q be calling out/doxxing Matt Gaetz as a [tool] for [them] in post 3728 on Dec 23, 2019?
Could he fall into the 'Traitors Everywhere' category? This makes more sense given his shocker of a vote with D's to limit POTUS military action against Iran.
If true, very sad & disappointing…