I mean we've more less figured this out, Trump and military are carefully timing release of information, a drop too many at the wrong time can force an avalanche. I think they know at some point this is inevitable. Except, if you can guess which way the avalanche will roll. Trump is standing on the high ground, DS is a on the low ground. They're attempting to expose this "cover up" because they can take the side of the victim roll pretty easily and claim they were set up, just such a long list of blockades they can throw. However, if their evils in their magnitude are brought to light first they will suffer the slide of the avalanche. So yeah sure, it's a cover up, disinformation is necessary, the whole truth would put many in the hospital. I don't think there's a way around this 90/10 won't be enough, you will need 100% visibility of operations at this point. They screw themselves calling for witnesses, however it is a move that can save them if they manage to hit the right way they believe. I do not think any of this will be exposed until after the election anons. Trump must win the right way again, and if the military campaign is exposed that is currently being used to slow the release of information it will look like a military coup. Just my thoughts on this, why I maintain patience, why he must win the right way again. I do however, know that this isn't the only way the two sides are moving. If its a US military operation… it's well known that they tend to operate in sheer chaos. If you don't know what you're doing exactly, neither does your enemy. WWG1WGA
I think Q+ acts independently, I think Q+ was Qanoned himself, in the sense that he's acting on his own intuition and timing with a righteous goal that is the same as Q. Which is the way anons should move as well. Also, just pay attention to the lists of people Q has mentioned that are high visibility targets. With the Ed Buck situation, as well as the utter disaster that is anyone that is loud from California, Adam Schiff seems to be the most open. I wouldn't be shocked if he was the first major unsealing. It's almost inevitable. There's for sure pictures of him at Ed Bucks house, and with the crumbs we have about the Standard Hotel? They put him in a highly protected positions "impeachment manager" I believe they were about to expose him very publicly. Now they cannot, since he's wearing the armor of "you're attacking your prosecutor" bullshit. He can't hide behind a Presidential Campaign as others are.
I'm just checking back on this real quick.
I'm just checking back on this real quick. >>7866053
Not bad, right in the ball park.