TY Baker
Teaspoons anon.
People are moar polite when we're sporting side arms.
Do it Q!
Found it in qresear.ch but still needs sauce
>#7627098 at 2019-12-26 23:03:03 (UTC+1)
>Q Research General #9758: Ghostbusters. Can >You Answer The Call? Edition
>>7626865 PB
>I'm too iffy about this whole subject area to >speak authoritatively, but it sure seems, given >my limited xploring (and it's kinda impossible to >verify this stuff) that there are different vehicles. >Clones, drones, whatever. Seems to me they >can build/grow a near-duplicate to be somehow >remotely-controlled. Is the connected ear-lobe >part of the tie-in? Interesting that we halve two >brain lobes and that part of the ear is called a >lobe. I agree that the 'A' model's ear lobes aren't >attached the same way. I think the B-ears
>(bears/beers) are part of the intel/comms system.
>Even the name Bi Den (a den/housing for the >"bi"/2). Does "Bidan" suggest "B i.d. ad in"? >Voice is same-ish. Behavior is sam-ish. I don't >think mere actors/look-alikes can achieve all >that. Who's chairing that op?
one on the right Handler weird AF
A palindrome is a word, number, phrase, or other sequence of characters which reads the same backward as forward, such as madam, racecar, or the number 10801. Sentence-length palindromes may be written when allowances are made for adjustments to capital letters, punctuation, and word dividers, such as "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!", "Was it a car or a cat I saw?" or "No 'x' in Nixon".Wikipedia