C'ya next bread.
Hopefully you won't shit it again.
Supreme Court turns away case that could have helped Dems get unredacted Mueller report
Ummmm, dude….hope you got that life insurance policy filled out!
Anybody have any live feeds of the trial…that's NOT fox.
Here we go.
Schitt is lying his ass off!
Not enough fat under his chin compared to that tranny.
I guess after the senate trial the coup d'état will be completed.
They didn't present strong enough evidence from the House trials, so he's trying to set a narrative early on by 'preaching to the choir'.
This is a standard demoncrap play, right out of the demon's playbook.
All of them do this when they have nothing to prove it with…they are the shills of the political system.
French publisher apologizes after history textbook suggests CIA 'orchestrated' 9/11 terror attacks
I bet it's that fucking susucoin bullshit causing all this shit, and Ron is to fucking greedy to remove it from here.
I didn't say that…and well paytriots are frowned upon as well.
Interesting though.
It was posted on the UK board.
He's done it before in the German board as well.
Can't wait to see that piece of shitt getting thrown to the floor and those bracelets slapped on him.
Wishful thinking for a guy that wouldn't make it to his inauguration if he did win.
Here we go, again.