Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 9:40 a.m. No.7866456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6530 >>7035

What Is She Hiding? Soros-Funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Sued for Communications with Felon-Journalist, Her Chief Investigator on Greitens’ Case Indicted on 6 Counts of Perjury


As reported earlier investigative journalist and Fox News Contributor John Solomon sued controversial St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner last week.


What was not reported was the extent of the lawsuit or the extent of this Missouri scandal.


John Solomon sued Gardner for violating Sunshine Laws. Gardner, a Soros-funded circuit attorney, refused to turn over documents related to the case against Eric Greitens, a Navy SEAL and former Governor.


In 2018 the Soros-backed St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner led a campaign to attack, smear and oust popular Missouri Republican Governor Eric Greitens.


When Kim Gardner was elected in 2016, over 70% of Kim Gardner’s campaign funds came from George Soros, over $190,000.


Gardner and her associate and former FBI agent, William Tisaby, were successful in forcing Governor Eric Greitens to resign from office.


Former Missouri Governer Eric Greitens was indicted in February 2018 on invasion of privacy charges for taking a photo of a naked mistress before he ran for governor.


The woman claimed it was very traumatizing.

The woman also admitted she went back to Eric’s house later that same day for more sex.


The photo never materialized. And according to our sources there never was a photo.


Now John Solomon is demanding Gardner’s communications with the convicted felon Scott Faughn the publisher of The Missouri Times. Faughn is a felon and previously convicted on three counts of forgery, and currently works as a journalist in Missouri.


In 2018, during the accusations against Governor Greitens, Scott Faughn admitted to delivering cash payments totaling at least $120,000 to people who made false accusations against Missouri Governor Eric Greitens.


Faughn refused to say where the money came from.


John Solomon’s lawsuit seeks communications between Gardner and Faughn from the time of Greitens’ inauguration in January, 2017, through the summer of 2019. This was around the time when Scott Faughn hosted now-Governor Mike Parson on his show, This Week in Missouri Politics, to mark Parson’s year in office since Governor Greitens’ resignation.


Gardner’s office does not dispute that she has records of her communications with Faughn. She has, however, refused to turn over such records.


The argument of her office, cited in the lawsuit filed in St. Louis Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit, is that John Solomon is not entitled to Gardner’s communications with Scott Faughn due to matters of privilege. Her office also argued that the Greitens case is closed, and that the only communications she had with Faughn relate to the charges she made and then later dropped against Greitens.


In 2018, Gardner charged Greitens with taking and transmitting a nude photograph of his affair partner, and threatening blackmail. Greitens denied the accusations. No evidence of a photograph or of blackmail was ever produced. Gardner dropped the charge when she herself was going to have to testify under oath.


Gardner’s lead investigator, former FBI agent William Tisaby, has been charged with seven felonies for manufacturing a case against Greitens. The charges against Tisaby include six counts of felony perjury and one felony count of evidence tampering. Gardner was Tisaby’s supervisor, and sat with him during depositions when he lied.


Gardner is due to be deposedby Special Prosecutor Gerard Carmody on January 24, this Friday!

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 9:45 a.m. No.7866470   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6670 >>6805 >>7245 >>7421 >>7440

President Putin approves new government after previous cabinet resigns to pave way to constitutional amendments


President Vladimir Putin has approved the new government after the resignation of the previous cabinet calling it balanced. Although there was a significant reshuffle, defense, foreign and finance ministers kept their posts.


"The new government is a well-balanced one, although it went through a major reshuffle," Putin said during a meeting with the new cabinet.


Both Sergey Lavrov and Sergey Shoigu are political heavyweights and among the most trusted political figures in Russia, trailing only behind President Putin himself when it comes to popularity with the public. Anton Siluanov has been Russia's finance minister since 2011.


A career diplomat with decades of experience in international relations, Lavrov served as Russia’s envoy to the UN for ten years before taking the helm at the Foreign Ministry in 2004.


He led Russian diplomacy through turbulent periods on the international stage and has been instrumental in building Moscow's reputation as an influential global power in recent years.


Shoigu, meanwhile, is credited with strengthening and modernizing Russia's Armed Forces through a set of ambitious reforms to increase combat readiness and spearheading a massive rearmament program to equip forces with cutting-edge weapons.


Putin also proposed that Russia should abide by international law only to the extent that it does not restrict Russians' rights and freedoms and does not contradict Russia's own constitution.

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 9:48 a.m. No.7866479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6670 >>6805 >>7245 >>7421 >>7440

Top DEA Investigator Arrested for Spending ‘Months’ on the Job Trying to Have Sex With Children


Queens, NY — A diversion investigator with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency was arrested recently after he spent months on the taxpayers’ dime trying to arrange sex and soliciting naked pictures from a 14-year-old boy. Frederick Scheinin’s job at the DEA was to track pharmaceutical drugs that had been diverted to illegal sources but he spent that time soliciting children for sex instead.


“As a diversion investigator at the DEA, Frederick Scheinin’s foremost responsibility was to protect the public from illegally diverted drugs. Instead of fulfilling this worthy mission, Scheinin allegedly spent months attempting to prey on a 14-year-old boy. This arrest exemplifies that no one is above the law. Our law enforcement partners will continue to bring all necessary tools to bear to apprehend individuals who wish to do harm to young children, no matter who they are,” U.S. Attorney Geoffrey S. Berman said.


“I want to commend the U.S. Attorney and our federal partners who, together with our NYPD investigators, work every day to protect the innocent against such alleged reprehensible predators. I am proud of the undercover work in this case, which has now led to criminal charges against a law enforcement officer who allegedly betrayed his sacred oath,” NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea said.


While on the job, this sicko was sending photo of his genitals to who he thought was a 14-year-old boy but who was actually an undercover cop.


According to the press release from the DOJ:


Between October 2019 and January 2020, Scheinin used a multimedia messaging application on his cellphone to communicate with an undercover law enforcement officer (“UC‑1”) who was posing as a 14-year-old boy. Scheinin repeatedly sent sexually explicit images and videos to UC-1 in an attempt to persuade UC-1 to transmit sexually explicit images, photos, and live visual depictions of UC-1 to Scheinin. In particular, Scheinin repeatedly asked UC-1 to transmit images and videos of UC-1’s penis. The Complaint further alleges that Scheinin attempted to arrange a meeting with UC-1 at which Scheinin planned to have sex with UC-1. Law enforcement arrested SCHEININ yesterday in New York, New York, at a location where Scheinin said he would meet UC-1. Scheinin was in possession of condoms and lubricant at the time of his arrest.


At one point in the conversation, the boy allegedly asked Scheinin, “so you like don’t care that I’m younger?” Scheinin said “no, it’s cool. As long as you’re cool with it,” according to prosecutors. Thankfully this monster inside the DEA wasn’t actually meeting with a real child. However, his willingness to go so far indicates that he likely has other victims. Luckily, he is now off the streets.


Scheinin has since been charged with one count of attempted production of child pornography, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 15 years in prison and a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison, and one count of attempted enticement of a minor, which carries a mandatory minimum sentence of 10 years in prison and maximum sentence of life in prison.

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 9:50 a.m. No.7866486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6670 >>6805 >>7245 >>7421 >>7440

Former Interpol Chief Sentenced To 13.5 Years In A Chinese Prison


Roughly 16 months ago, Meng Hongwei, the Chinese President of international crime-fighting agency Interpol, disappeared after returning to China and being detained by authorities.


Now, Meng, who also served as a senior justice official in China, has been sentenced to more than 13 years in a Chinese prison for graft, in a case that the Financial Times said raises "concerns about Beijing’s influence on global organizations."


Meng, the first Chinese official to lead Interpol, held his position for two years from November 2016 until he disappeared in October 2018. Days after his disappearance, his family in Lyon reported him missing. But after Chinese officials confirmed that Meng had been arrested on corruption charges, he was apparently coerced to hand in his resignation to Interpol.


At the time of Meng’s disappearance, Human Rights Watch said his case "raised concerns at global institutions where high-level Chinese officials already have been installed in powerful positions" because "any government official is vulnerable" to a graft probe in China.


During his trial at a court in Tianjin city, not far from Beijing, prosecutors said Meng had abused his power for personal gain while helping to run China's public security agency. Meng was accused of accepting more than 14 million yuan ( about $2 million) in bribes and kickbacks.


Although the verdict didn't mention Meng's involvement with Interpol, it did claim that he also used his standing abroad to "seek improper profits."


According to the Chinese court, Meng accepted his judgment and would not appeal the case. Though we doubt any appeal would get very far in a legal system which is under total control of Communist Party judges.


Meanwhile, back in Lyon, Meng's wife, Grace Meng, has been granted political asylum. She's launched a lawsuit against Interpol, accusing the organization of leaving her husband twisting in the wind by not standing up to Beijing and demanding his return. Beijing insists that the case was an "internal matter" and was handled according to Chinese law.

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 9:52 a.m. No.7866492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6551

More Than 4 Times as Many Police Officers Killed Themselves Than Were Shot in 2019


In 2019, according to the Officer Down Memorial Page, 47 police officers were shot, 7 killed in a vehicular assault, and three died from assault. Another 77 cops died as a result of car crashes, heart attacks, and illnesses. Absent from the database of fallen officers, however, are the 228 cops who ended their own watch. This number is a giant leap from the year before and the fourth consecutive year that it’s risen.


As the number of officers killed in the line of duty decreased by 20%, the number of cops taking their own lives has increased 35%. The website Blue H.E.L.P. (Honor. Educate. Lead. Prevent.) has already recorded five officer suicides in 2020.


The mainstream media often portrays the unfortunate random killing of police officers as analogous to a larger “war on cops.” The reality is that there is a concerted public relations effort underway, on the part of law enforcement, with the intention of stemming the growing public calls for more oversight and accountability.


If law enforcement were genuine about wanting to save the lives of cops, they would begin by attempting to put focus on the out of control epidemic of police suicides, which dwarfs the number of cops fatally shot the line of duty. Cops are killing themselves at a rate 4 times higher than they are dying in the line of duty and this subject seems entirely taboo.


Over the past three decades, the number of on-duty police killings has decreased substantially. Instead of attempting to fix the glaring problems in policing, law enforcement has invested itself in attempting to distract and divide the public. With the help of mainstream media, they attempt to portray themselves as victims of a rabid and out of control anti-police campaign which is violently and systematically targeting cops. But this is simply not true.


If people really care about cops, then it’s incumbent upon them to focus on the true threats to officers’ lives and not just buy into the spin machine.


The public must realize the dire situation, and extreme scope of the mental health epidemic currently facing law enforcement. There’s an extremely high rate of suicide, a domestic violence crisis and much higher rates of addiction in policing than the general public. It’s clear that the mental health issues affecting law enforcement should be a top priority if we hope to stem the number of citizens and cops being killed by police in America.

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 9:53 a.m. No.7866494   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6543 >>6651 >>6670 >>6746 >>6805 >>7245 >>7421 >>7440

Illinois admits noncitizens voted in 2018 election; Democratic leader blames 'programming error'


'Huge problem'


The Illinois State Board of Elections admitted Monday that noncitizens illegally voted in the 2018 election due to the state's new automatic voter registration process.


Agency spokesman Matt Dietrich told WCIA-TV that 574 noncitizens were inadvertently registered to vote prior to the election — and a number of them exercised that power.


"We do know that some of them voted," he said.


Unfortunately for Illinois citizens, Dietrich did not say how many noncitizens actually cast a vote in the 2018 election.


Meanwhile, state Secretary of State Jesse White, a Democrat, blamed the illegal voting on a "programming error" in the state's new voter registration system and characterized the problem as an "isolated" incident, according to WCIA.


Illegal voting was made possible because noncitizens are permitted to obtain a driver's license in Illinois, and automatic voter registration also takes place at the DMV. Automatic voter registration was signed into law by former Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner (R) in 2017.


In response to the news, Illinois Republicans are calling for an investigation into the AVR system.


State Rep. Tim Butler (R) told WCIA that an investigation critical to protect the integrity of Illinois elections, and because inadvertently permitting illegal voting could have swift legal consequences for noncitizens who are legal residents.


"If that person voted, that's a huge problem when it comes to the federal government," Butler said. "That's a deportable offense for this person. And if that's the case, that's something that's on the Secretary of State's office for allowing that offense to happen."


Illinois' government is run by Democrats.

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 9:54 a.m. No.7866503   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6670 >>6805 >>7245 >>7421 >>7440

Global Central Banks Fueling a Ponzi Market


Ultimately, investors will awaken to the rising tide of defaults and downgrades


One of the topics that I am focused on in Davos is the deterioration in the quality of the corporate bond markets.


The disturbing trend is that despite the rally in risk assets in the prior year, the number of defaults rose by approximately 50 percent, according to data compiled by J.P. Morgan. Additionally, the number of distressed exchanges increased by 400 percent.


This correlates well with our observation that the number of idiosyncratic defaults has been increasing. Ultimately, markets will need to reprice for this rising risk with increased bond spreads relative to Treasury securities. However, that day of reckoning when spreads rise is being held off by the flood of central bank liquidity and international investors fleeing negative yields overseas.


And let’s not forget downgrade risk of BBBs: today 50 percent of the investment-grade market is rated BBB, and in 2007 it was 35 percent. More specifically, about 8 percent of the investment-grade market was BBB- in 2007 and today it is 15 percent. It has more than quintupled in size outstanding, from $800 billion to $3.3 trillion. We expect 15–20 percent of BBBs to get downgraded to high yield in the next downgrade wave: This would equate to $500–660 billion and be the largest fallen angel volume on record—and would also swamp the high yield market.


Ultimately, we will reach a tipping point when investors will awaken to the rising tide of defaults and downgrades. The timing is hard to predict but this reminds me a lot of the lead-up to the 2001 and 2002 recession.


The prolonged period of tight credit spreads experienced in the late 1990s lulled investors into unwittingly increasing risk at a time they should have been upgrading their portfolios.


This brings to mind the famous observation by economist Hyman Minsky, who stated that stability is inherently destabilizing. That is to say that long periods of relative stability in risk assets causes investors to keep upping the risk during a long period of calm.


Ultimately, this leads to what he called a Ponzi Market where the only reason investors keep adding to risk is the fear that prices will be higher tomorrow (or in the case of bonds, yields will be lower tomorrow).


Daniel Kahneman observed this behavior in his own work, when he identified that investors’ fear of missing an opportunity induces them to buy when they should be selling.


Even though the recession clearly has been put off until 2021 and perhaps 2022, in the lead-up to the 2001 recession, credit deterioration started to be evidenced three years earlier in 1998 as defaults and credit spreads were rising.


This would sound like good news for yield starved investors and I would agree.


But patience will lead to bigger opportunities for disciplined investors who don't wander off into exotic asset classes or chase current returns.

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 9:56 a.m. No.7866511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6670 >>6805 >>7245 >>7421 >>7440

Gross. CNN’s Acosta Stalks Ivanka Trump at Davos, Harasses Her About Impeachment – Ignores Historic Economy


Jim Acosta continues to show the worst of our corrupt and abusive mainstream media.

On Tuesday President Trump delivered another historic speech at the Annual Davos Conference in Switzerland cheering America’s record economy and the US trade deals with China, Mexico and Canada that were passed and signed last week.


But rather than cover this historic good news for the American public, CNN hack Jim Acosta ignored the outstanding economy and instead stalked First Daughter Ivanka Trump in the hallways.


Jim Acosta harassed Ivanka Trump about the sham impeachment.

Ivanka ignored the liberal hack as she moved on to her next meeting.

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 10:02 a.m. No.7866538   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6670 >>6805 >>7245 >>7421 >>7440

Elizabeth Warren’s Son-in-Law Produced Film Funded by Iranian Government


Democrat presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s (D-MA) son-in-law, with whom she is close, has troubling ties to the Iranian regime, according to a new book by Peter Schweizer.


The book, Profiles in Corruption, reveals progressive leaders’ little-known ties to corrupt businesses and governments and discusses the Massachusetts senator in a chapter.


The chapter details the business deals of Warren’s son-in-law, Sushil Tyagi, who is married to her daughter, Amelia. Tyagi was born in India but moved to the United States, where he met Amelia while they were both pursuing MBAs at Wharton Business School.


Warren and Tyagi are close. She attended his brother’s wedding in India, recounting it in her memoir. She and her husband Bruce Mann in December 2009 served as witnesses for a power of attorney corporate document he filed in India.


Since his marriage into the Warren family, Tyagi “has been involved in a series of curious—even troubling—business ventures around the world,” Schweizer writes.


Tyagi runs Tricolor Films, and in 2008, produced a film called The Song of Sparrows, directed by Iranian filmmaker Majid Majidi.


The film was described as Majidi’s “most religious” and is about a man who is fired from his job on an ostrich farm, moves to the big city and becomes a motorcycle taxi driver, and soon becomes consumed with his passengers’ lives and is swept up in a world of greed. It is his family that help him restore his “caring and generous nature,” according to a film synopsis.


Tyagi was listed as the film’s sole producer on a New York Times page, in credits which have now been deleted. A look back at the page’s archive revealed that the film was funded by the Iranian government agency that is overseen by Iranian propagandists.


Schweizer writes:


The full credits of the film, for some reason, seem to also have been scrubbed from the internet. We obtained a copy by using the Wayback machine and made a startling discovery: the movie’s chief investors included none other than the social deputy of the State Welfare Organization (SWO) of Iran (SWO-“ ”) as well as the Cultural and Artistic Organization of Tehran. (“ ”)


These two investors in the film might appear at first glance to be innocuous cultural organizations—but they are not. Both are funded and controlled by the Islamist Iranian government.


The Cultural and Artistic Organization of Tehran states: “This organization was founded in 1996 and [does] its activities under the supervision of a board of trustees composed of various cultural institutions such as IRIB and Islamic propaganda organization.”

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 10:06 a.m. No.7866561   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Norway’s Coalition Government Collapses Over Policy on Return of Suspected ISIS Bride


The government of Norway has collapsed following a dispute over the return of a woman who is suspected of joining the radical Islamist terrorist group ISIS.


Centre-right libertarian group the Norwegian Progress Party (FRP) withdrew its coalition support Monday, collapsing the governing coalition. The Conservative Prime Minister Erna Solberg no longer holds a majority in parliament.


The decision by the FRP to leave the coalition was sparked by the government’s decision last week to allow the return of a woman who left Norway in 2013 to live in an area of Syria controlled by the Islamic State jihadist group.


The unnamed woman, who is believed to be from a Norwegian-Pakistani family in Oslo, was given permission to return to Norway to seek medical care for one of her two children. She was arrested upon her return on suspicion of joining the terrorist group.


“We do not compromise with people who have voluntarily joined terrorist organizations. It made the cup run over”, said FRP leader Siv Jensen according to the Norwegian paper Aftenposten.


“There is no longer any basis for FRP to continue in government”, she added.


“I respect that Frp has a different view because this was a difficult trade-off. For me, it was right that the boy came home to Norway and thus got help”, said Prime Minister Solberg.


Solberg is expected to govern from a minority position, as Norway does not have a provision in its constitution for an early election. The next scheduled election will not take place until September of 2021 according to Deutsche Welle, meaning the country could face months of political stagnation under a government unable to pass laws.


The recent repatriation of the alleged ISIS bride comes in stark contrast to the stated policy of the Norwegian government, which has been actively stripping residence permits and deporting those affiliated with the Islamic State since May of last year.


Countries across Europe have been grappling with what to do with citizens who joined terrorist groups in the Middle East, following the destruction of the so-called ISIS Caliphate. In November Germany repatriated a suspected ISIS bride along with her three children, marking the first instance the country repatriated a female Islamic State member.

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 10:17 a.m. No.7866612   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6822

In the name of ‘Israel’s security’, retreating US gives it billions more in military aid


Billions of US taxpayers’ dollars will continue to be funnelled into Israel in the next fiscal year, and for many years in the foreseeable future. Republican and Democratic Senators have recently ensured just that, passing a Bill aimed at providing Israel with $3.3 billion in aid every year.


The Bill, co-sponsored by Democratic Senator Chris Coons and Republican Senator Marco Rubio, was passed on 9 January, only one day after Iran struck US positions in Iraq. Enthusiasm to push the Bill forward was meant to be an assurance to Tel Aviv from Washington that the US is committed to Israel’s security and military superiority in the Middle East.


Despite a palpable sense of war fatigue among all Americans, regardless of their political leaning, their country continues to sink deeper into Middle East conflicts simply because it is unable – or perhaps unwilling — to challenge Israel’s benefactors across the US government. “What’s good for Israel is good for America” continues to be the supreme maxim within Washington’s political elites, despite the fact that such irrational thinking has wrought disasters on the Middle East as a whole, and is finally forcing a hasty and humiliating American retreat.


The latest aid package to Israel will officially put into law a “Memorandum of Understanding” that was reached between the right-wing government of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Barack Obama administration in 2016. At the time, Obama had offered Israel the largest military aid package in US history.


Senator Rubio explained the passing of the recent Bill in terms of the “unprecedented threats” that are supposedly faced by Israel. Coons, meanwhile, said that “the events of the past few days [the US-Iran escalation], were a stark reminder of the importance of US assistance to Israel’s security.”

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.7866619   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How To Be A Mentally Sovereign Human


We all showed up naked, slimy and clueless in a world of inexplicable sensory input we couldn’t make head or tail out of. We were then taught what’s what by people who showed up under the exact same circumstances a blink of an eye earlier.


The amniotic fluid is barely washed from our tiny naked bodies before we find ourselves in a marriage and a day job, staring down at a small pair of eyes looking up to us for guidance.


This is not a good environment for developing mental sovereignty, the ownership and authorship of your own cognitive relationship with life.


Stepping into the world as a small person is like stepping completely unarmored onto a battlefield with live ammunition flying in all directions, except instead of bullets, it’s narrative.


On one side of the battlefield you’ve got your family with rifles and side-arms firing their stories about what’s important in life, what the world is like, how people should deal with problems, and what society ought to look like.


On another side you’ve got teachers and preachers armed with shotguns spraying buckshot about the beliefs that various power structures want you to have about your experience on this earth.


On another side you’ve got the advertisers, armed with machine guns, hammering anything that moves with narratives about inadequacy and problems you never knew you had.


And, raining bombs from above, you’ve got the mass media propagandists.


You’re not going to make it off of that field without sustaining significant damage. You never stood a chance, really. At best you’re going to spend a long time picking slugs, bullets and shrapnel out of your flesh and stitching up the wounds that they caused, and that’s assuming you’re one of the lucky few who makes it off the field at all. Most just absorb the beliefs that get blasted into them in the frenzy of living and keep almost all of them.


Becoming a mentally self-sovereign human being means undoing all that damage, and protecting yourself from absorbing more. It means completely renouncing everything you’ve been told to believe about what’s happening on these strange shores you washed up on small, sticky and confused, and setting off to find out for yourself instead. It means making it to the swamps of Dagobah and looking where the wise old muppet is pointing when he suggests “You must unlearn what you have learned.”


Being a mentally sovereign human means constructing your own understanding of this weird reality based on your own investigations and your own reasoning, which means constructing it from the ground up. Even your most basic assumptions about reality itself must be rigorously cross-examined with complete skepticism. Nothing must be taken on faith.

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 10:23 a.m. No.7866637   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6649

PM said weighing dropping immunity request if Gantz backs annexing Jordan Valley


Public broadcaster quotes Likud sources saying PM considering announcing offer at party’s campaign launch Tuesday evening

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 10:27 a.m. No.7866649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6670 >>6805 >>7245 >>7421 >>7440



Gantz vows to annex Jordan Valley ‘in coordination with international communtiy’


Netanyahu urges Blue and White head to support measure before March election; settler leader calls pledge ’empty,’ saying world powers will never accept such a move


Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz vowed on Tuesday to annex the Jordan Valley “in coordination with the international community” if he wins the upcoming election.


In what appeared to be the top centrist lawmaker’s latest effort to cater to right-leaning voters, Gantz, during a visit to what he referred to as “Israel’s eastern protective wall,” said the area making up roughly 20 percent of the West Bank would remain part of the Jewish state in any future peace agreement and that previous governments that had been willing to negotiate over the strategic region had been mistaken.


But right-wing officials and settler leaders largely scoffed at Gantz’s pledge. Suggesting that it was nothing more than a bluff, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu urged the Blue and White leader not to wait until after the election, but rather support the measure if it is brought before the Knesset for a vote in the coming weeks.



Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 10:37 a.m. No.7866706   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6846 >>6950 >>7101 >>7140 >>7440 >>7464

Winston Churchill's Famous 1920 Article Explaining that There Are 'Good Jews', and 'Bad Jews'


SOME people like Jews and some do not; but no thoughtful man can doubt the fact that they are beyond all question the most formidable and the most remarkable race which has ever appeared in the world.


Disraeli, the Jew Prime Minister of England, and Leader of the Conservative Party, who was always true to his race and proud of his origin, said on a well-known occasion: “The Lord deals with the nations as the nations deal with the Jews.” Certainly when we look at the miserable state of Russia, where of all countries in the world the Jews were the most cruelly treated, and contrast it with the fortunes of our own country, which seems to have been so providentially preserved amid the awful perils of these times, we must admit that nothing that has since happened in the history of the world has falsified the truth of Disraeli’s confident assertion.


Good and Bad Jews.


The conflict between good and evil which proceeds unceasingly in the breast of man nowhere reaches such an intensity as in the Jewish race. The dual nature of mankind is nowhere more strongly or more terribly exemplified. We owe to the Jews in the Christian revelation a system of ethics which, even if it were entirely separated from the supernatural, would be incomparably the most precious possession of mankind, worth in fact the fruits of all other wisdom and learning put together. On that system and by that faith there has been built out of the wreck of the Roman Empire the whole of our existing civilisation.


And it may well be that this same astounding race may at the present time be in the actual process of producing another system of morals and philosophy, as malevolent as Christianity was benevolent, which, if not arrested, would shatter irretrievably all that Christianity has rendered possible. It would almost seem as if the gospel of Christ and the gospel of Antichrist were destined to originate among the same people; and that this mystic and mysterious race had been chosen for the supreme manifestations, both of the divine and the diabolical.


Cont. from images

The cruel penetration of his mind leaves him in no doubt that his schemes of a world-wide communistic State under Jewish domination are directly thwarted and hindered by this new ideal, which directs the energies and the hopes of Jews in every land towards a simpler, a truer, and a far more attainable goal. The struggle which is now beginning between the Zionist and Bolshevik Jews is little less than a struggle for the soul of the Jewish people.


Duty of Loyal Jews.


It is particularly important in these circumstances that the national Jews in every country who are loyal to the land of their adoption should come forward on every occasion, as many of them in England have already done, and take a prominent part in every measure for combating the Bolshevik conspiracy. In this way they will be able to vindicate the honour of the Jewish name and make it clear to all the world that the Bolshevik movement is not a Jewish movement, but is repudiated vehemently by the great mass of the Jewish race.


But a negative resistance to Bolshevism in any field is not enough. Positive and practicable alternatives are needed in the moral as well as in the social sphere; and in building up with the utmost possible rapidity a Jewish national centre in Palestine which may become not only a refuge to the oppressed from the unhappy lands of Central Europe, but which will also be a symbol of Jewish unity and the temple of Jewish glory, a task is presented on which many blessings rest.

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 10:40 a.m. No.7866730   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Netanyahu to world leaders: Important they remember where we came from


“I welcome the leaders from around the world who are coming here, to Jerusalem, to mark with us 75 years to the liberation of Auschwitz,” he said.


Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed on Tuesday the world leaders who are arriving to honor the Fifth World Holocaust Forum at Yad Vashem.


“I welcome the leaders from around the world who are coming here, to Jerusalem, to mark with us 75 years to the liberation of Auschwitz,” he said, “it is important they remember where we came from and important they witness where we have arrived at.”

Among the world leaders visiting the country are Georgian President Salome Zourabichvili, Bulgarian President Rumen Radev and Australian Governor-General David Hurley.

Prince Charles of the UK is also expected to attend.

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.7866735   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hillary Clinton Injects Herself Into Trump Impeachment Trial, Accuses McConnell of Covering Up Crimes


Hillary Clinton injected herself into Trump’s impeachment trial on Tuesday morning and accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of covering up a crime.


McConnell unveiled his impeachment trial rules Monday and the Democrats immediately attacked him and accused him of rigging the trial.


Hillary Clinton joined Democrats Schumer and Schiff and accused McConnell of setting a “rigged process” and “truncated schedule” and saying he does not want the American people to hear from witnesses or see evidence.


“The rules Sen. McConnell has proposed for the president’s impeachment trial are the equivalent of a head juror colluding with the defendant to cover up a crime,” Hillary said.


“Call your senators and urge them to push for witnesses and evidence, not a cover-up” she added.


Says the most corrupt woman in US history.


Hillary Clinton has committed countless crimes throughout her life as a lawyer, first lady and a politician.


Speaking of covering up crimes, Hillary Clinton used BleachBit to destroy 33,000 State Department emails and her aides took hammers to several BlackBerrys under congressional subpoena.


Here are the cold, hard facts about Hillary’s criminal husband Bill Clinton’s impeachment vs. Trump’s sham impeachment:


President Trump is accused of two offenses, neither is a crime.

Article One: Abuse of Power — broad and undefined non-criminal action.

Article Two: Obstruction of Congress — Not a crime and completely made up charge


Now compare that to the Clinton Impeachment trial in 1998.


Bill Clinton was accused of 11 separate felonies and impeachable offenses.


The Starr Report, presented on Sept. 9,1998, presented 11 impeachable offenses. Bill Clinton was eventually charged because he “…willfully provided perjuries, false and misleading testimony to the grand jury,” and made “…corrupt efforts to influence the testimony of witnesses and to impede the discovery of evidence.”


The Starr report cited 11 specific possible grounds for impeachment in four categories:

Five counts of lying under oath

Four counts of obstruction of justice

One count of witness tampering

One count of abuse of constitutional authority

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 10:50 a.m. No.7866775   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Turkish Proxies Deployed To Libya From Syria Throw Down Arms And Flee To Europe: Report


It’s safer to ‘migrate’ to the European Union than to fight the Libyan National Army near Tripoli.


At least 17 members of Turkish-backed Syrian armed groups deployed in Libya reportedly threw down arms and fled to Italy via the illegal migration route heading the European Union through Tripoli, controlled by the pro-Turkish Government of National Accord (GNA). According to Al Hadath TV, another group of Turkish proxy fighters fled to Tunisia. Their final goal is also the European Union.


Reports from sources close to Turkish-backed Syrian armed groups say that around 2,400 Turkish-backed Syrian fighters are already in Libya. 1,700 more are passing training in military camps in Turkey awaiting their deployment.


Ankara uses its proxy forces to rescue the GNA from the Libyan National Army led by Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar. Haftar’s forces are in control of the major part of Libya, while the GNA controls only two big cities – Tripoli and Misrata.


The problem is that members of pro-Turkish groups that suffered a series of devastating defeats from the Syrian Army and large casualties in Syria’s Al-Bab and Afrin expireince some problems with combat morale. So, some of them prefer to use the deployment in Libya as an opportunity to move in Europe.

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 11:11 a.m. No.7866882   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CDC Confirms First U.S. Case of China Coronavirus


An individual traveling from China has been diagnosed in Seattle with the coronavirus, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) spokesman confirmed on Tuesday.


The development comes after Chinese health officials announced that the virus has killed at least 6 people and sickened over 300. Four cases were confirmed in South Korea, Japan, and Thailand. Additionally, a Taiwanese national who recently visited Wuhan, tested positive for the virus.


China’s Health Commission announced 291 confirmed cases of the virus, with 77 new cases reported on Monday alone. Municipal health commissions of Zhejiang, Tianjin, and Shanghai reported additional cases, pushing the number of infections up to 302.


The number of confirmed cases in Hubei province, where Wuhan is located, has risen to 270; Bejing has five, Guangdong province 14, Shanghai six, Zhejiang five and Tianjin two.


Wuhan announced new measures Tuesday to contain the outbreak, including the cancellation of upcoming Lunar New Year celebrations.


The new measures follow President Xi Jinping ordering increased efforts to stop the spread of the disease Monday, but there are fears efforts to contain the virus impeded by Chinese bureaucracy have come too late. Hundreds of millions of Chinese are expected to travel across the country in the coming days ahead of the Lunar New Year and raise concerns of a potential increase in cases.


Presently, the virus appears to be less lethal than the 2002-2003 SARS outbreak, which resulted in 774 deaths


“Based on current information, an animal source seems the most likely primary source of this outbreak with limited human-to-human transmission occurring between close contacts,” said World Health Organization spokesman Tarik Jasarevic.


“Based on current data, some new cases seem to experience milder diseases which is within the milder end of the spectrum of symptoms caused by respiratory illnesses,” Jasarevic added.

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 11:28 a.m. No.7867040   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Paging pot, this is kettle: ‘Nobody likes him,’ Hillary Clinton says of ‘divisive’ Bernie Sanders


Two-time presidential also-ran Hillary Clinton hasn’t dropped her grudge against erstwhile opponent and current Democratic frontrunner Bernie Sanders, and her comments on his ‘likability’ have triggered a backlash from all sides.


Clinton excoriated her former competitor as unlikeable and ineffective, telling the Hollywood Reporter that “nobody wants to work with [Sanders]” in the Senate in an interview published Tuesday ahead of a four-part documentary due to premiere at the Sundance Film Festival.


While the former secretary of state has long blamed Sanders, as well as Russia, former FBI director James Comey, WikiLeaks, actress Susan Sarandon, and dozens of other entities, for her 2016 election loss, Tuesday’s attack comes on the heels of several polls placing Sanders at the front of the 2020 primary pack in key demographics.

Anonymous ID: 39dac6 Jan. 21, 2020, 11:30 a.m. No.7867066   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Worst lie since fake claim sparked Iraq war? OPCW report behind Syria bombings was altered, whistleblower tells UNSC


A former inspector with the OPCW has accused the chemical weapons watchdog of issuing a sanitized report on the alleged 2018 attack in Douma, Syria, arguing it ignored serious reservations of its own fact-finding team.


The OPCW’s final report on the Douma incident, released last March, omitted key findings of its own inspection team which would have cast serious doubt on whether a chemical attack took place at all, a now former OPCW specialist, Ian Henderson, told members of the United Nations Security Council in a recorded video address – after his visa application to attend the meeting in person was rejected.


“The findings in the final [Fact Finding Mission] report were contradictory, were a complete turnaround with what the team had understood collectively during and after the Douma deployments,” Henderson said.


Even though several members of the fact finding team “had serious misgivings that a chemical attack had occurred” as early as July 2018, the organization’s final report – compiled by another group that never even visited the incident site – nonetheless concluded there were “reasonable grounds” to all but pin the blame for the attack on Damascus.


Sanitized of any dissenting opinion, the report ignored “findings, facts, information, data or analysis” gathered by the team in the areas of witness testimony, toxicology studies, chemical analysis, as well as ballistics, the retired inspector said.