Anonymous ID: 58224e Jan. 21, 2020, 10:08 a.m. No.7866573   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6615 >>6618


>>7866086 lb


Is this getting too far out for you?

Well it is not just about photos.


Here is Elias Disney who was supposedly

Born in the British Empire, not far from Chicago

In Bluevale, Ontario, Canada


And here is Prince Albert Victor

These two are at minimum closely related

And they could be the same person


You see, Albert Victor was not very smart

He could never have handled being monarch

And he was almost uncontrollable

Which is not what the Satanic bloodlines want in their King.

So it is not unreasonable to suggest that he was put out to pasture

Where he could advance the bloodline with a suitable partner

And Johana Vetsera was of the same Venetian Galata banker bloodline

As her sister who was chosen to birth the founder of the 3rd Roman Empire

Anonymous ID: 58224e Jan. 21, 2020, 10:19 a.m. No.7866615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6818 >>7400 >>7420



Some links to last bread posts

Exploring the bloodline of Adolf Hitler

Both forwards, backwards and sideways


>>7865598 lb

>>7865767 lb

>>7865845 lb

>>7866086 lb


There is a credible trail of evidence suggesting

That Queen Victoria's grandson

The Crown Prince of England

Prince Albert Victor

Sired Adolf Hitler

Out of Mary Vetsera of Austria

Who then faked her death

And became Klara Hitler.


Then Prince Albert Victor faked his own death

And married Johana Vetsera, sister of Mary

And they disappeared to the heart of the conspiracy

To Make America Britain Again in Chicago

Under the assumed names of Elias and Flora Disney


There, they had a son who became a Master Illusionist

The half brother of Adolf Hitler

Named Walt Disney.

A satanic dynasty stretching back into Germany

And the Venetian Oligarchs who gave rise to

The Private Foundation

And the Galata Bankers

Anonymous ID: 58224e Jan. 21, 2020, 10:38 a.m. No.7866713   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6736 >>6855




Watch the Water

It can be deadly

from Doctor Strange and The Punisher: Magic Bullets


Doctor Strange wields a Magic Sword

And the Punisher,…. well, 'nuff said!



Magic Sword - In The Face Of Evil (Damascus Magic Sword Q Marker)



2 Sep 2018 - 1:18:24 PM📁

Played by 'Operation Specialists' [pre-event] last night.




Blasts at Mezzeh Military Airport in Syria (Damascus Magic Sword Q Proof)



3 Sep 2018 - 3:59:16 PM📁📁

Magic Sword.


Anonymous ID: 58224e Jan. 21, 2020, 11 a.m. No.7866818   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6854 >>7420



This is the best clip in The Illusionist (2006)

A film which reveals how the Cabal managed

To fake the death of Mary Vetsera at Mayerling

Where Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria learned

That she had been impregnated

With a moonchild in a Babalon working

By the Crown Prince of England

Albert Victor

The true father of Adolf Hitler

The once and future Emperor of the 3rd Roman Empire

Uniting Great Britain and all the lands of Europe

Under one IRON rule of the IRON EAGLE


You, watching today, can probably figure out how to do this illusion

But in 1888 it was pure magic

And therefore, Albert Victor's other son,

Walt Disney, made it his career to explore the vast power

Of these illusions to entrap the human mind

And enslave it for the benefit of the new monarchy

Absolute and unbreakable

Ruling this entire planet for the benefit of

The Chosen Ones

For only Satan's chosen people deserve

To enjoy the fruits of the earth

All others are beasts of the field

Only fit for burden and service

Bleat all you want my sheepies

There is noone to hear you

Nobody to help you escape your situation


… unless of course

You have read Matthew 6:6

Anonymous ID: 58224e Jan. 21, 2020, 11:14 a.m. No.7866900   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7082

The Coup?

I recognize the faces

But do you recognize the scene?


Back in 1961…

No this isn't about Eisenhower

Not about JFK either

No not the Soviets…

Now read this quote and think carefully

Does this sound like North Korea is a deliberately manufactured enemy?

Who would do a thing like that, and why?


In 1961, the North Korean leader, Kim Il-sung secretly sent Hwang Tae-song, a former friend of Park Chung-hee and a vice-minister in ministry of trade, to South Korea, hoping to improve inter-Korean relations. However, in order to dissipate the suspicions about his Communist leanings and assure Americans his firm stance as an ally, Park decided to execute Hwang as a spy.


The guy in the middle is the culprit.

Major General Park Chung-hee


So does this mean that Chucky and Bride of Chucky beside him in camo, are the instigators of the Coup against Trump?

Anonymous ID: 58224e Jan. 21, 2020, 11:26 a.m. No.7867024   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Every Anon reading this

Can get their own free UPGRADE


I urge you all to take the upgrade


This is still a war, and Patriots will need to fight

For generations to come.

Anonymous ID: 58224e Jan. 21, 2020, 11:37 a.m. No.7867133   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7170 >>7171



He has to.

His only hope of staying alive

Is to drag it out

They have no working comms any more

But the think that somewhere out there

The Powers That Be

I.e. The Cult

have some big weapons that can be used.

Unfortunately for him

Delta Force operators have been busy at night


This really is World War III

And it has been raging for 5 years now

Since 2014

Fortunately for us

It is winding down now

And The Best Is About To Come

Anonymous ID: 58224e Jan. 21, 2020, 12:02 p.m. No.7867357   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7367



It really is curious

To study Russia

And its renewal of military might under Putin

Because what is really going on

Is part of the plan

And not what you see on the surface

They certainly are developing their Aerospace industry

With several companies building several new types of military aircraft

But this increases their aerospace expertise in many parts of the country

Which delivers civilian benefits,

The most visible of which is the new MC-100 passenger plane


Putin has structured things so that Russia always gets direct benefits

It doesn't just build weapons to go in a warehouse


Knowing that the Cabal makes a ton of csh on arms sales

What do you think happens when Russia sells a 50 million dollar weapon system?

He takes $50 million out of the Cabal's pocket, weakening them

Just like the Red Army weakened the Germans on the Eastern Front

Enabling the USA and allies to successfully land on D-Day.


But the customer, does not give any money to Russia.

Instead they open a line of credit, which Russia spends in the customer country

So the economy of the customer is boosted

And Russia gets products that are in short supply in a vast northern nation

For instance, all those African nations end up sending Fresh Fruit and Vegetables to Russia,

Even in the Winter


Trump understands these knock-on effects in economics

And that's why his actions stimulate them

So that the knock-on effects cause an economic boom

Why didn't the Economics experts realize this?

Because they do NOT understand Economics

They only understand scarcity

Engineered by the Cabal

And Trump has now moved the ballgame

Into a whole new UNIVERSE by FAR

Now do you get it?