Thanks Baker.
All bread shitters filtered, + all usual copy pasta and BO blamers etc. Your game is shit and you have lost already. Just waiting for you to realize it.
Thanks Baker.
All bread shitters filtered, + all usual copy pasta and BO blamers etc. Your game is shit and you have lost already. Just waiting for you to realize it.
Schumer never fails to make me ill.
Schumering down his nose, wagging his finger, and scolding everyone as if his narrative is gospel.
> Holy shit, my ID: ddeaad
Whoa. I am praying for you.
Did you by chance ask a question about a certain person recently?
Maybe this refers to AS who is speaking nnouww.
>tor. if you filter by ID you filter all tor users including anons.
I realize that. Tor not being necessary at this time, I believe if someone wants to be seen they won't use Tor at this time.
Was thingking saym.
I'm in western Wa. Sicker than hell for a month now.
gif AS related
I must have just done post plus cuz I see you.
It is hard work filtering. I wish I new how to write a script that could filter on my criteria, but I don't think that would be possible.
Q posting
>But I prefer to read all posts to see how the "enemy" works.
>It is easy to see a pattern.
That is exactly why and who I filter. I've seen all of there posts and every alteration of them for 2 years or so.
Pretty easy to spot, even when they id hop and try to appear unique.
Just tired of it.
If they actually had a rational argument I would listen, but that ship has sailed.
>no filters
Was referring why he came here: the content we are able to post freely on this platform due to the moderation policy and has nothing to due with filtering anons who post division & agit prop, porn, and gore, etc.
o7 to you as well.
Beuatiful keks. Proven effective by prev responses.
spellz oops