Anonymous ID: e2114f Jan. 21, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.7867392   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7409 >>7470

Skippy—you prick of misery who loses track of a MAP while partying—of course the GOP has fallen into line to defend POTUS. That would be to defend a clearly innocent man & leader of the nation, from a demonic & desperate attack, launched by people like yourself—the dregs of the scum. After the sledge evaporates the fly (thanks, Ratcliffe), you & yours will have another few months of stark & impotent terror while awaiting the Durham/Huber drop that will end in disgrace for your posse. Suicide weekend, Skippy. Looking at the calendar, let's pick a likely weekend. How about June19-21, Friday-Sunday. Would be sweet to ring in the summer with several excellent days full of rapid fire news of

one animal after the next saving the taxpayers money. Plus, the families can also be saved those pesky casket/funeral expenses if the traitors will look way down deep & do one decent, final act, which is to do the weekend at the pig farm, capiche? Just like the old days, Skippy.