Hey new bakers
Before deplatforming, there was a longstanding practice of showing baker changes in breads. That sorta slipped when we came back. But it helps everyone to easily track changes within the breds, especially in long bakes. See below.
Long nite bake: after no pickup, baker list notes and then ghosts:
Notables #10066 @200
baker change
>>7864739 /CM/: 8kun outages possible during diagnostics
>>7864857 Did hackers target American Thinker after it published a pro-Q article?
>>7864875 "Eat The Rich": Davos Beefs Up Security As Protesters Gather
>>7864885, >>7864900 POTUS speech to be livestreamed in Davos
>>7864884 JFK asks Ike's advice on Cuban Missile Crisis (vid clip)
ghost bake
baker must leave
anons, plz take notes
Later, a note collector picks up the bread & posts notes
Notables #10066 @400
baker change
>>7864739 /CM/: 8kun outages possible during diagnostics
>>7864857 Did hackers target American Thinker after it published a pro-Q article?
>>7864875 "Eat The Rich": Davos Beefs Up Security As Protesters Gather
>>7864885, >>7864900 POTUS speech to be livestreamed in Davos
>>7864884 JFK asks Ike's advice on Cuban Missile Crisis (vid clip)
ghost bake/note collector
>>7864942, >>7864922 Immune discovery 'may treat all cancer'
>>7864973 One of the members of "The Base" is Muslim
>>7864986 Avenatti being held in El Chapo's former cell
>>7864998 Pilot arrested for writing "offensive" graffiti--another hate hoax?
Finally, a baker picks up bread & posts final notes:
baker change
>>7864739 /CM/: 8kun outages possible during diagnostics
>>7864857 Did hackers target American Thinker after it published a pro-Q article?
>>7864875 "Eat The Rich": Davos Beefs Up Security As Protesters Gather
>>7864885, >>7864900 POTUS speech to be livestreamed in Davos
>>7864884 JFK asks Ike's advice on Cuban Missile Crisis (vid clip)
ghost bake/note collector
>>7864942, >>7864922 Immune discovery 'may treat all cancer'
>>7864973 One of the members of "The Base" is Muslim
>>7864986 Avenatti being held in El Chapo's former cell
>>7864998 Pilot arrested for writing "offensive" graffiti--another hate hoax?
baker change
>>7865068 Podesta: GOP has 'fallen in line and defended the President's actions'
>>7865099 Flag of Hong Kong flown at 2A Rally today
>>7865226 #10066
Notable order: Bakers can list notables either from top to bottom or bottom to top.
Bottom to top is more traditional (like Q drops), but both are used.
In these examples, order is top to bottom.
Why? Coz in a long bred (like late nite), there are lots of note collectors (top to bottom = less confusing).