How long before Merck buys the patents and shelves it?
>The quality of her hair is a BIG tell!
>like 8/9yo girls always have the healthiest hair. Her hair aged 40 years between those pictures.
Maybe she's not getting a dietary supplement she had been using. Maybe she's been drinking more, taking some other things to get by. Maybe a prolonged state of panic has deleterious effects. Hmmm.
>But will Adam Schiff be able to lie at will on the Senate floor too?
Why the hell don't they swear the entire assemblage to tell the truth at the start of business every day?? Commonsense thing to do given the gravity of the situation.
>Digital Warrior
>Cyber Warfare Division
Circuits going into back of head.
Perfectly accurate. Awesome graphic!
Obviously the Top Anon.
>Surprised. Even RINO's voting with R's.
I think enough shit has been unearthed about Romney he's toeing the line to stay out of Gitmo, or worse.
I know some anon's get up early, but do you even sleep?
>Rinse repeat.
My hat is off to you. Truth is, this place was close to falling apart awhile back when you breathed life into end. Before the return of kun, almost the entire herd had reassembled, thanks in no small part to your pain in the ass cheerleading and indefatigable work ethic.
I hope Q/team recognizes your contribution and appreciates it as much as we do.