Anonymous ID: 57b526 Jan. 21, 2020, 6:13 p.m. No.7870526   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0661

this company 'zen magnets' has been under heavy attack from the cabal for many many years..


the reason why is a mystery, but the fact its happening is apparent,


the name of the owner of zenmagents is Qu…


as he explains in this video, they use the excuse "these magnets are dangerous to children who might eat them…" as their reasoning to ban the magnets nationwide.


but this does not hold water due to the fact there are many many other companies selling the same product which get no opposition or attempts to ban, all the focus is on this one company.


so what does zen magnets do differently that has earned them such hate from the cabal?


far as i can tell (and i own many such ball magnets from this company and many other companies) the only difference is zen magents are superior, their magnetic strength is far better. their sizing is far more identical, each ball being only microns off from one another, and their material is tougher, longer lasting, wont degrade as readily/rapidly.


oh also, zen magnets does not sell their product to anyone under 18 years old, they clearly state on their website these magnets are not toys, not for children, and the product itself has labels on it saying do not allow near children..


yet the other companies specifically market them to children as toys… and get no repercussions…


thats it, they are simply a superior product. and for that the cabal has tried to destroy them… and now it looks like they have succeeded, zen magnets is tired of fighting the endless court battles and so is ramping down production ending all promotion and preparing to shut down their business. this is an example of the cabal destroying a small business. zen has put up a great fight this far, they deserve some help.







personally i suspect it is connected to something deeper, that the idea of ball magnets of the same size enables one to discover certain knowledge (in experimentation and practice) that the cabal wishes to avoid the people discovering.. its hard to explain that, youd better understand what i mean by it if you could hold them in your hand and play with them yourself, its a very curious experience