Anonymous ID: 71dc33 Jan. 21, 2020, 6:23 p.m. No.7870657   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Have you ever thought about the idea that the Jews are behind most fuckery but Q does not want to push that narrative yet because the jews have spent the last 100 years claiming they are innocent of every thing possible. Why contest billions of dollars of Jew mind control directly?


Why not create a site that tells the truth about the Jews but Q can remain at arms length. People slowly lose the fear of being called a Nazi and lose the fear of calling the Jews out by name…but lose it these fears by REPATITION of the truth. Like water erodes a mountain…….contant expose of the truth of the Jew breaks the mind control.


And Q never has to do a thing themselves…..they have plausible deniability of the Jews best weapon…..calling someone antisemetic.

Anonymous ID: 71dc33 Jan. 21, 2020, 6:52 p.m. No.7870978   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Pretty much my understanding as well. When you have a secret society like the Masons it is fairly easy to take it over. They are stove piped and layered and the people at the bottom do not know what the people at the top are doing. They began this way because they were going against the Kings and wanted to create a New Atlantis and Republics. The Kings considered that treason and would kill you. So the Masons did things in ultra secret. But if your a Jew and want to take over the Masons and make them do everything to help your Jew shit you simply find out who in the Lodge is in charge….especially who is in charge of allowing in new recruits… then blackmail or bribe the Masons in charge. When you control who is promoted you quickly promote your people. And because the Masons are used to taking orders and keeping secrets the whole group soon is doing evil Jew shit. Rinse and repeat and you have the world we live in today.