Anonymous ID: dffcec Jan. 21, 2020, 10:21 p.m. No.7873030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3067 >>3449 >>3484

The Spin Is Real: Biden's Team Explains 'What Really Happened In Ukraine'


While the House impeachment managers were making the argument that witnesses should be called during the Senate's trial, former Vice President Joe Biden's Rapid Response Director Andrew Bates was busy telling voters "what really happened in Ukraine."


"Donald Trump was caught redhanded. And I'm going to give you the facts," Bates said. "So what really happened in Ukraine? In 2014, Russia invaded the country and the U.S. and our allies decided that we had to support them against this Russian aggression. President Obama turned to Vice President Joe Biden to lead that effort because of his history in foreign policy." "So there was this guy, Viktor Shokin. He was the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, which is like the Attorney General in the United States. He became the embodiment of the corruption that has been hurting Ukraine's government for a long time. Everyone – from the EU to the IMF, Republican senators, the entire anti-corruption activist community in Ukraine – desperately wanted him fired," Bates said. "He was being protested in the streets. And Joe Biden is the person who got him out of office. It was a monumental, bipartisan, anti-corruption victory." "Three Republican senators signed on to that bipartisan effort – Rob Portman of Ohio, Ron Johnson from Wisconsin and Mark Kirk from Illinois. So where does Donald Trump fit into all of this?" the staffer asked. "He claims that because the vice president's son, Hunter, was on the board of the Ukrainian natural gas company, Burisma, that Biden somehow acted inappropriately when he advocated for Viktor Shokin to lose his job. The clinical term for that is horse sh*t."


Bates argued Biden was following official U.S. policy when he advocated for Shokin's removal and it had been more than a year since Shokin had investigated Burisma. "The truth of this is the exact opposite of what Donald Trump has been telling you. The fact is that getting him out of office meant it was more likely that Burisma would face any scrutiny," the Biden staffer said. "But what Donald Trump also doesn't want you to know is that the investigation into Burisma had to do with things that happened years before Hunter Biden had any kind of relationship with that company."


According to Bates, the entire saga is "bullsh*t." Specifically, Bates cited Kurt Volker's testimony, when Volker said Trump was floating "self-serving" conspiracy theories that lacked any credibility. "Donald Trump was caught red-handed undermining our national security in trying to force a foreign country to smear the candidate who he is terrified of running against in November," the Biden staffer explained. Bates cited the whistleblower reporter and the transcript of the July 25th call as evidence of Trump's fear of running against Biden. "His objective was to force Ukraine to spread a comprehensively debunked right-wing conspiracy theory about the vice president that the Washington Post fact-checker has called a 'fountain of lies,'" the staffer said. According to Bates, Trump orchestrated this entire saga because "he knows he can't beat Joe Biden. So he did something that literally no American president, ever in our history, not even Richard Nixon, ever stooped to. He tried to make our national security policy an extension of his struggling re-election campaign."

Joe Bates Twitter

Anonymous ID: dffcec Jan. 21, 2020, 10:29 p.m. No.7873098   🗄️.is 🔗kun

The New York Times Triggers Widespread Ridicule Over Endorsing Both Warren and Klobuchar


It might be easier for the New York Times to simply say who it is not endorsing. I have long been a critic of media endorsements which I view as self-obsessed as well as inimical to journalistic values of neutrality. For decades I have argued that media should end endorsements of political candidates. The Times however seems to be literally doubling down with its much ridiculed endorsement of both Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren. I can certainly understand endorsing either candidate given their achievements and leadership but endorsing both is rather bizarre since they present sharply different policies and approaches. While the editorial board wrote that in choosing these two candidates was “radical” but “realist,” many of us view it as just ridiculous. Various people on both sides of the political aisle mocked the Times and commentators like Dan Rather suggested that the Times pick both the Chiefs and the 49ers to win the Super Bowl.


As a critic of endorsements, I may be the only person delighted by the news. This may finally rekindle the debate over the necessity and propriety of political endorsements. The media serves an essential function in our society, particularly renowned institutions like the “Old Grey Lady.” At a time when media appears to be openly abandoning principles of balance, such endorsements only fuel the distrust of readers in the coverage of the campaign. The influence of the media should not be used to get voters to support a candidate but to get them to consider the unvarnished facts underlying the election.


For those who are lampooning the Times, I would ask why it is any less concerning when a paper picks one candidate while maintaining that they are neutral presenters of the news. We have struggled to move our media away from the yellow journalism and corporate advocacy seen in the last century. Political endorsements are the last lingering part of that troubled legacy.

Anonymous ID: dffcec Jan. 21, 2020, 10:48 p.m. No.7873243   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3281 >>3370 >>3440 >>3484

Record-breaking 100,000 people want tickets to Trump rally in New Jersey


There is much talk that New Jersey might one day flip from blue to red — particularly after Rep. Jefferson Van Drew, a New Jersey Democrat, left his party in December and became a Republican. President Trump personally welcomed him to the White House. Mr. Van Drew reports that 100,000 people are now seeking tickets to one of Mr. Trump’s signature Keep America Great rallies, to be staged in Wildwood, New Jersey, on Jan. 28 in a venue that only seats about 7,500. The last time a president visited the area was in 1891, when Benjamin Harrison came to call.


Interest in the rally has proved to be a record-breaker for the Trump campaign. “It’s exciting. And I’m proud to say for this event — of all the events President Trump has done — we’ve had the most ticket requests,” Mr. Van Drew told Fox News. Other details reflect some shifting political sands in the state. New Jersey Women for Trump — a grassroots interest group — recently went from a handful of interested organizers to over 15,000 members in a matter of weeks “We are an independent support group for women and men who feel they are alone in their beliefs towards our president. Our goal is to tap into the silent majority of New Jersey women and men and let them know that they are not alone in their support of our president,”''' the organization noted in a mission statement.


Mr. Van Drew, meanwhile, will be on the stage with the president when the time comes later this month. “Obviously this is a political function, there’s no question about that,” Wildwood Mayor Ernie Troiano Jr. told the Cape May Herald, a local news organization. “Trump brings out many emotions from people. His supporters are very passionate, and the folks that dislike him are very passionate. There are going to be a lot of emotions running wild on the 28th,” the mayor predicted.

Anonymous ID: dffcec Jan. 21, 2020, 11:19 p.m. No.7873398   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3439 >>3440 >>3484

French Textbook Links CIA to 9/11


A French Publisher has now apologized for printing history textbooks that linked the CIA to 9/11. The obvious question is…Was the information correct?


Here’s more from The BBC: A French publisher has apologised after a history textbook that appeared in bookshops in recent weeks suggested the 11 September 2001 attacks were probably “orchestrated by the CIA”. The debunked conspiracy theory was apparently highlighted on social media initially by a group of schoolteachers. The book History of the 20th Century in Flash Cards is aimed at undergraduate students. On its website, the publisher said the phrase should never have appeared.


“This phrase which echoes conspiracy theories devoid of any factual basis should never have been used in this work. It doesn’t reflect the editorial position either of Ellipses publications or the author,” it said (in French). The textbook is described as a complete course on the last century in French, European and world history. It was written by Jean-Pierre Rocher, a teacher of history and geography and a graduate of the Sciences Po university in Paris, and aimed at Sciences Po undergraduates as well as students preparing for France’s elite “grandes écoles”.


Although the book came out in November, it was not until the daughter of one of the secondary school teachers bought a copy that one of them spotted the reference to the CIA. On page 204 the author explains the context of the creation of the jihadist group, al-Qaeda and the “quadruple terrorist attack of 11/9 2001 on New York and Washington”. He then makes the following statement.


“This global event – no doubt orchestrated by the CIA (secret services) to impose American influence on the Middle East? – hit the symbols of American power on its own territory.”

France apology after history textbook links CIA to 9/11

Anonymous ID: dffcec Jan. 21, 2020, 11:39 p.m. No.7873456   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3500 >>3518


I think there is a lot of work at hand to make sure people don't become so sick they end up flooding the hospitals, or the scums down the streets with their own brand of justice.

Anonymous ID: dffcec Jan. 21, 2020, 11:45 p.m. No.7873485   🗄️.is 🔗kun


They all have that bad habit of telling on themselves. Apparently they believed they were the brightest bulbs in the box..Until now..they are really looking stupid..emperor has not clothes matter what they do won't work.

Anonymous ID: dffcec Jan. 21, 2020, 11:57 p.m. No.7873548   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I hear you on both counts, there are times I just want it all to come out in the a flood. But then I realize we here know more than most, and while it would be great to see the truth out there..I can do a lot of harm not handled properly. Kind of like the kid who isn't a kid anymore finding out they were adopted, but never knew, it's life changing..some handle well others not so much.