Anonymous ID: e98435 Jan. 21, 2020, 10:50 p.m. No.7873260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3285 >>3296

Why does this site make my CPU usage spike several times per minute? Only happens when viewing an 8kun thread and only when JS is enabled. Each time, my CPU fan goes into turbo mode and the bread page freezes up for a few seconds - the page won't scroll or respond to keyboard or mouse for a few seconds. And I can see the % CPU Use spike during this time.

This never happened to me on 8ch, before the move to 8kun. Are our computers being used to process suckcoin transactions or something?

Can a techfag find anything weird in the javascript, or know some other explanation?

I would be glad to just turn off JS, but then my predefined filters aren't applied, and I the dropdown to Filter By ID is not even displayed.