>What if we no longer had a Central Bank and no longer owed them 23 Trillion $?
A PUBLIC central bank can issue currency from the treasury.
Currency is different than money, it's not a debt instrument. Currency does not have to be "backed" by any commodity (which leaves it open to manipulation by certain people who control the commodity), it's backed by the productive power of the people of the State.This is why Germany's economy soared while the rest of the world went into the Great Depression.
PRIVATE central banks are separate from the gov't and charge the gov't just to print up their debt notes. The US gov has to pay the FED something like $1.20 for each 1 dollar FRN!!
IF we have a public central bank, we can cancel the debt to the FED, which is the vast majority of the debt of the US government!
I'm watching the impeachment show just because it's historic, but don't make the mistake that people can't watch and do other things at the same time. High-functioning autists can multi-task. :)