Anonymous ID: 2a8f7a Jan. 22, 2020, 10:26 a.m. No.7876446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6470


Here maybe this will help you…IF not you're on your own kek


The complete list of alternatives to all Google products

Parallel universe for the super security conscious


With growing concerns over online privacy and securing personal data, more people than ever are considering alternatives to Google products. After all, Google’s business model essentially revolves around data collection and advertisements, both of which infringe on your privacy. More data means better (targeted) ads and more revenue. The company pulled in over $116 billion in ad revenue last year alone – and that number continues to grow.


Editor’s Note:

Guest author Sven Taylor is the editor behind Restore Privacy, a blog dedicated to inform about best online privacy practices, secure your electronic devices, unblock restricted content and defeat censorship.


But the word is getting out. A growing number of people are seeking alternatives to Google products that respect their privacy and data. This guide aims to be the most exhaustive resource available for documenting alternatives to Google product. So let’s get started (in no particular order or preference)…

Anonymous ID: 2a8f7a Jan. 22, 2020, 10:31 a.m. No.7876485   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6531 >>6595 >>6627

WikiHow propaganda article claims vaccine injuries are a “conspiracy theory” peddled by violent, abusive parents


If you’re under the age of 18 and your parents won’t let you get vaccinated, then they must hate you and want you to die. This is what WikiHow is telling children, anyway, in a new “learn how to do anything” information page that teaches young ones how to secretly get vaccinated without their parents’ knowledge or consent.


Entitled, “How to Get Vaccinated Without Parental Consent,” the entry, dated January 9, 2020, contends that all opposition to vaccination stems from “misinformation about vaccines online” and “rabbit holes of conspiracy theories and made-up ‘facts.'” And the only way around this, it presents as the solution, is for unvaccinated children to quietly scheme out how to get jabbed without their parents knowing about it.


Not even attempting to veil their true intent, the authors of this WikiHow entry openly suggest that children should basically lie to their parents in the event that opposition to vaccination is present within the family. When begging, pleading, and otherwise manipulating their vaccine-opposed parents doesn’t work, these same children are told to seek out “another responsible adult” who will give them their shots without concern or question.


“Petition the court for emancipation if your parents are really bad,” the “Look at your options” section of the entry further reads. “Wait until you’re 18 if you think that your parents would severely punish or abuse you if they learned that you disobeyed them,” it goes on to state, planting in children’s minds the idea that parents who oppose vaccination are inherent child abusers.

Anonymous ID: 2a8f7a Jan. 22, 2020, 10:37 a.m. No.7876528   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Because it worked so well for Hillary ..Right?kekekek


Hillary Clinton’s losing campaign cost a record $1.2B

Anonymous ID: 2a8f7a Jan. 22, 2020, 10:41 a.m. No.7876567   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Charles Payne Touts Trump’s Success In Davos: “It was really remarkable” to see top global business leaders “announcing their commitment” to bring jobs to America [Video]


When Trump was first elected, he announced that the days of the United States giving other countries a free ride on trade were over. Democrats and their allies media mocked him, suggested he was naive for believing he had the power to transform the American economy simply by evening the playing field with other nations through tough trade deals.


They couldn’t have been more wrong.


Trump’s recent reception from top business leaders around the world at the Davos Economic Summit proves it.

Anonymous ID: 2a8f7a Jan. 22, 2020, 10:46 a.m. No.7876613   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russian Air Force intensifies bombing campaign over Aleppo


BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:20 P.M.) – The Russian Air Force continued their bombing campaign over the Aleppo Governorate on Wednesday, as their warplanes targeted several areas under the control of the jihadist rebels.


According to a field report from the provincial capital, the Russian Air Force heavily targeted the southern and western regions of Aleppo, inflicting significant damage to the defenses of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS).


The field report cited airstrikes over some jihadist strongholds like Khan Touman, Khan Al-‘Assal, Kafr Naha, and Rashiddeen.


The Russian Air Force began to recently target the Aleppo Governorate after the jihadist rebels heavily targeted the provincial capital with daily rockets and artillery.


These attacks by the jihadist rebels over the weekend resulted in the death of over 20 people and the hospitalization of several others, the Russian Reconciliation Center reported.

Anonymous ID: 2a8f7a Jan. 22, 2020, 10:51 a.m. No.7876646   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6694 >>6697

This Is Amazing! Senate Republicans Release Powerful Ad on the Pelosi-Schiff Impeachment Scam (Video)


On Tuesday the US Senate opened its impeachment hearing of President Trump.


House Democrats handed off two Articles of Impeachment, both non-crimes, to the US Senate last week after much fanfare and celebration.


On Tuesday House Democrats argued for the senate to bring in more “witnesses” who they refused to call during the House proceedings.

Democrats want Republicans to do their work for them.


On Wednesday the Senate Republicans released an AMAZING VIDEO on the Democrat impeachment scam.

Democrats are determined to turn America into a banana republic.

Anonymous ID: 2a8f7a Jan. 22, 2020, 10:55 a.m. No.7876685   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Want Hope that Schiff and Soros Might Go Down? Look to Missouri where a Soros-Funded Prosecutor Is Set to Plead Fifth for Secret Work with Lawyer-Politician


Hoping for justice?


This week Kim Gardner, the St. Louis Circuit Attorney, whose campaign was funded by George Soros will be deposed by Special Prosecutor Gerard Carmody.


This comes after the news on Tuesday that St. Louis Police officers caught Gardner in a major lie about her traffic stop in December.


Gardner said she was harassed for 15 minutes by St. Louis police. But a video proved she was lying. The police only pulled her over for 6 minutes. Kim Gardner also allegedly lied about the date of the traffic stop.


Want Hope that Schiff and Soros Might Go Down? Look to Missouri where a Soros-Funded Prosecutor Is Set to Plead Fifth for Secret Work with Lawyer-Politician

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft January 22, 2020


Hoping for justice?


This week Kim Gardner, the St. Louis Circuit Attorney, whose campaign was funded by George Soros will be deposed by Special Prosecutor Gerard Carmody.


This comes after the news on Tuesday that St. Louis Police officers caught Gardner in a major lie about her traffic stop in December.


Gardner said she was harassed for 15 minutes by St. Louis police. But a video proved she was lying. The police only pulled her over for 6 minutes. Kim Gardner also allegedly lied about the date of the traffic stop.


Sources indicate that Kim Gardner will likely plead the Fifth this week when she is questioned about her misconduct in manufacturing a false case against Governor Eric Greitens in 2018.


Gardner will also be asked about her communications with Jay Barnes, who played the role of Adam Schiff in the takedown of Greitens.


Back in 2018 St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner charged Governor Eric Greitens with a crime with no evidence. After dragging his name through the mud and making the Greitens’ family rack up millions of dollars in legal bills, Gardner dropped the case when she herself was going to be called to testify.


Investigative Journalist John Solomon, a Fox News Contributor, has filed a lawsuit against Kim Gardner for failing to turn over records pertaining to her communications with Soros’ associates, convicted felons, journalists, lobbyists, and politicians.

Anonymous ID: 2a8f7a Jan. 22, 2020, 10:57 a.m. No.7876710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6730

Central Banks Declare Climate Change As Core Mission


The entire central banking system is embracing global warming, Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, and the destruction of Capitalism and Free Enterprise. They will eventually lead the flip into a global scientific dictatorship. ⁃ TN Editor


The Fed, ECB, Bank of England, and Bank of Japan have now embraced climate change as part of their mission.


They now want their hands in another thing they do not understand and cannot control even if they did.

Fed’s Core Mission Change


Lael Brainard, Chair of the Fed’s Committee on Financial Stability, says Climate Change Matters for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability.