Anonymous ID: 206a58 Jan. 22, 2020, 11:47 a.m. No.7877199   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7224

Planned Parenthood & CPS Join Forces To Take Children From Good Homes – Blackmail Pregnant Mothers To Murder Their Unborn Babies To Get Their Children Back (1 of 2)


Planned Parenthood is already engaged in the murder of millions of Americans and that has not stopped under President Donald Trump despite what the media and conservative talking heads tell you. Additionally, we are discovering that Planned Parenthood is colluding with Child Protective Services to kidnap children from good, loving homes when a pregnant mother may come to Planned Parenthood for a free pregnancy test, only to turn around and anonymously report these women when they choose not to have an abortion. CPS steps in, takes the children and threatens the mother that is she will not abort the child or even when they did, not only will they not give her children back, but they will take the child from her once it is born.


My good friend and former broadcast partner, James White of Northwest Liberty News, has been a voice for victims of the CPS criminal network for nearly a year now via his radio show and recently, he has stumbled upon what is taking place in what he calls “a contract forged in Hell.”


White recently interviewed Heather Hobbs, a Pro-Life Speaker, advocate for life, rape survivor, domestic violence activist, wife to an amazing husband, and mother of four based in Oregon. Hobbs says that in the past three months, there have been 3 mothers who had their children kidnapped by CPS suspiciously after going into Planned Parenthood and getting a free pregnancy test. Planned Parenthood then smugly told the women that if they couldn’t afford a pregnancy test, they couldn’t afford a baby. Of course, the idea is for Planned Parenthood to make a few bucks by pushing the murderous concept of aborting their little ones in their womb. When those women, who went to the same Planned Parenthood clinic, refused to murder their children, within 24-48 hours, CPS was contacted anonymously (yeah, right) and told the women were neglecting their children and couldn’t afford them, etc., etc. So, what happens? CPS just comes right in with zero evidence and kidnaps their born children! Of course, CPS tried to cover themselves “legally” by implementing a “reunification plan,” which makes parents jump through all kinds of hoops to get their children back.


However, in this case, part of the reunification plan is to murder the unborn child before getting the born children back. Two of the women actually went through with abortions, believing the lying murderers at Planned Parenthood and CPS. They didn’t get their children back. The woman who chose not to abort her child was told CPS would take her child when she gives birth.

Anonymous ID: 206a58 Jan. 22, 2020, 12:04 p.m. No.7877371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7397

Gangs In Tampa Grooming, Branding and Selling White Children For Sex (Video)


Yet again an important American news story is coming out of the UK. Funny how this isn’t important enough to bother most of our “news” networks in America. The Albion Times (UK) reports on the gang controlled child sex trafficking happening in Florida.


PASCO COUNTY, Fla. — Human trafficking victims are being branded and sold for sex in the Tampa Bay area, ABC’s I-Team found.


Those working with victims told I-Team Investigator Kylie McGivern those permanent markings can often remain with trafficking victims even after they are rescued. The victims are all young white girls, some being raped by more than 10 men one after each other every day. “It’s like branding cattle,” said Cpl. Alan Wilkett, who leads Pasco County’s human trafficking task force. “It’s an ownership mark. Branding is when somebody — a pimp or a trafficker — will put his mark or his symbol or his sign on his victims through some sort of tattoo.” Wilkett said deputies know how to spot the red flags of someone being sold for sex but sometimes rarely act.


“Some of the things we’re seeing are pictures — maybe a lion’s head or it may be the street name of the pimp who’s running a street track,” said Wilkett. “It could be numbers. Using certain numbers, like 16 because ‘P’ is the 16th letter of the alphabet — it means I’m being pimped.” Wilkett told ABC’s I-Team he just saw the tattoo recently at a local gas station. “A girl at the cash register with an XVI running from behind her ear and down her neck — 16,” said Wilkett. “Looked out the window and there’s her pimp, sitting in the vehicle. So this is happening.”


In some trafficking cases, the tattoo could be a barcode. “These barcodes are written in such a way by these tattoos and tattoo artists, that if you scan that with your smartphone it’ll tell you she’s $25 or she’s $30,” said Wilkett. “The one that I saw was $30.” Wilkett said the one he saw was on a victim in her early 20’s staying in an area safehouse. “Her response to that was that’s what I’m worth. I am worth $30,” said Wilkett.


Natasha Nascimento, the founding executive director of Redefining Refuge, a local non-profit working with victims of child sex trafficking, said she’s seen children branded and a majority of the tattoos are done professionally. “The youngest child I’ve seen — I believe she was probably somewhere around 11-years-old — she had dollar signs… tattooed onto both of her eyelids,” said Nascimento.


Don’t you find it strange that a Tampa Bay station has a bombshell story and the national media ignores it? Child Sex Trafficking is a major problem in America. The media tends to turn a blind eye to this problem because a lot of very important, very powerful and very wealthy people tend to make up the clientele.


Hmm..multiple meanings.. P=Pimp world run by them hmm