Anonymous ID: 5224cc Jan. 22, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.7877341   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7364 >>7385 >>7439 >>7515

Quarantine has occurred too late. The virus is now global. if there is 700 confirmed cases based on previous models, there is upwards of 100,000 infected world wide.


The virus is perfect. It incubates and you remain contagious for multiple weeks without any sign of infection. And as it infects new people it will continue to mutate. It is in multiple countries and on multiple continents. It is resistant to all known anti-virals, and is equally stable in cold wet environments as it is in hot and dry ones.


This is a problem. As a germfag I am stressing out.


The reason for the lack of information out there on the actual symptoms themselves is because the virus has already mutated and the symptoms are different for different strains. It is getting stronger as it infects more people.


Anyone with even a basic understanding of this stuff should be shitting their pants. This is about tho fucking hammer our race. I dont think it can be stopped now.

Anonymous ID: 5224cc Jan. 22, 2020, 12:01 p.m. No.7877342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7360 >>7364 >>7385 >>7439 >>7445 >>7456 >>7478 >>7490 >>7511 >>7530

Quarantine has occurred too late. The virus is now global. if there is 700 confirmed cases based on previous models, there is upwards of 100,000 infected world wide.


The virus is perfect. It incubates and you remain contagious for multiple weeks without any sign of infection. And as it infects new people it will continue to mutate. It is in multiple countries and on multiple continents. It is resistant to all known anti-virals, and is equally stable in cold wet environments as it is in hot and dry ones.


This is a problem. As a germfag I am stressing out.


The reason for the lack of information out there on the actual symptoms themselves is because the virus has already mutated and the symptoms are different for different strains. It is getting stronger as it infects more people.


Anyone with even a basic understanding of this stuff should be shitting their pants. This is about tho fucking hammer our race. I dont think it can be stopped now.

Anonymous ID: 5224cc Jan. 22, 2020, 12:11 p.m. No.7877451   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7503 >>7506


SARS and MERS is comparable, but because of the infection rate and length of time between infection and death this virus is much harder to control and identify those who are contagious.


Epidemiology is a constant study subject for me. I have never seen anything this dangerous in modern times. There is a reason WHO/CDC is freaking the fuck out. Today they announced 700, by tomorrow it will grow dramatically as they test more and more people. remember 700 is the confirmed number of infected. All that means is that 700 people have tested positive. By weeks end the number will be pushing up on 100K confirmed.


If this was the DS and it was man made were fucked.