Anonymous ID: 59ed00 Jan. 22, 2020, 11:41 a.m. No.7877149   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>7348

If after our additional briefing is filed this Friday, the government continues wrongfully on the path to sentencing Mr. Flynn, he should be placed on probation. Mike Flynn is innocent of all charges, he is a national treasure, and he is a great American patriot. This entire “investigation” and prosecution is a grotesque abuse of power and a travesty of justice by the FBI and DOJ—while they still hide the original 302 that shows General Flynn told the truth. Meanwhile, we have already filed—and will file more—actual documents that show Mr. Van Grack made up false FARA charges.

Anonymous ID: 59ed00 Jan. 22, 2020, 11:53 a.m. No.7877268   🗄️.is đź”—kun

Adrian Norman, author of "The Art of the Steal," joins us tonight to expose the loopholes for fraud in America's elections & how to fix the system.


Voter Fraud: “They're canceling your voice.”