Trips confirm psychological manipulation is the favorite tool of cowards.
If you control the messaging, you can repeat whatever you want until it becomes accepted as fact.
This is a forum for free speech, it is a threat to the controllers. [They] will try to muddy the waters at every opportunity.
Expose evil, they will attack=Over the target.
Develop discernment, not all is at appears. Hate is a silly & self-damaging reaction, not worth our time anons. We won't conquer hate with hate, let love guide your shitposts.
Spraying Barium/Aluminum/Nano particulates is a multi-faceted operation. Some theorize it has to do with suspending a wave propagation medium in the atmosphere, think project bluebeam. Physics has shown that solid materials are not a barrier to the transmission of frequencies, they can actually be used as a medium that amplifies and condenses signal. In this way, a satellite or balloon could transmit into the chemtrail layer, and distort what wavelengths of light get through to people on the ground, effectively camouflaging what is really above the cloud layer. Pay attention when the sky is full of chemtrails & the sunset is particularly vibrant, this may indicate a wavelength shift being propagated through the medium.
The aluminum and barium are likely falling to earth, poisoning our crops and water tables, calcifying our pineal gland and causing cancers. They may also be used to saturate the soil and allow forest fires to burn white hot, thus devastating an area's arable soils & forcing people to flee into cities for refuge.
SRM (solar radiation management) I think is a cover story for the black ops tech that is being used.
Another theory is that as we go towards Grand Solar Minimum, yearly crop loss will yield devastating famine world-wide. The chemtrail operation may be tied the idea of wavelength propagation, and stationary Fresnal Lense satellite that will be used to concentrate the solar output like a magnifying glass onto the surface of the Earth, allowing for the continued crop production in the Ice age conditions. The chemtrail medium cloud layer would be used as a dispersal of solar radiation so that the surface isn't just cooked.