Anonymous ID: 63cfb2 Jan. 22, 2020, 2:35 p.m. No.7879115   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9240

Q, if you're still lurking,, will anything of interest come out of this impeachment trial? This is water boarding level torture to watch. Painfully boring and Schiff could succeed getting Trump supporters to switch just to shut him up. They will be willing to do anything he wants to stop the nausea feeling

Anonymous ID: 63cfb2 Jan. 22, 2020, 2:44 p.m. No.7879253   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9268 >>9287

Does any anon know the name of the MSNBC host that would crumple up paper and throw it at the tv? He stopped reporting on politics and aired a strange final report saying weird stuff about storming the castle. I want to find the video but don't know his name

Anonymous ID: 63cfb2 Jan. 22, 2020, 2:54 p.m. No.7879371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9589

Here is a video that I have never been able to remove from my memory because "Have fun storming the castle" caught my attention.

The entire video is strange and full of delusions of grandeur but at the 9:45 mark is where he says it. This was Nov of 2017 and he is basically announcing mission accomplished and Trump is impeached

Anonymous ID: 63cfb2 Jan. 22, 2020, 3:11 p.m. No.7879588   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9635 >>9656 >>9817




Lawfag jr here. In a Court of law or Court of Equity, this phase happening would be considered opening statements. Schiff and team would then have to prove all of their points with evidence. Cross examination would come at that part.

This is not CoL or CoE so that is not guaranteed to happen. The rules are worth paying attention to so you ( we/me too) don't look to normal Courtroom proceedings for right and wrong.

This portion is going to be similar to opening statements then a request for summary judgement / dismissal . If 51 votes agree to either, it will be over.

If not, witnesses will be called but the rules for witnesses have not been determined yet so we will se a similar procedure to what took place for the resolution for the rules of this portion.

It is my opinion that Bolton is being screamed about as a strawman argument. He is National Security adviser and would not be able to testify in public. Dems picked him because they know this and they know they can't win that argument and will have an excuse of why removal from office failed.It is meant to convince the public to not vote Trump 2020.

McConnell once said that evidence at an impeachment trial would follow federal rules of evidence so that is what I would expect. The witnesses were hearsay and would not be permitted if federal rules of evidence are followed.

McConnell rules call for both parties to depose any witnesses before they testify. POTUS is a party this time and all of those previous witness would have to be deposed by POTUS team before they could testify per the rules.

Other anon asked if impeachment manager could be called as witnesses. The answer is yes IF 51 senators vote that to be so.