Anonymous ID: 66a073 Jan. 22, 2020, 2:39 p.m. No.7879185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9237 >>9241

>>7879057 lb

One of Pelosi’s impeachment managers has quite the history.

By Jacob Engels

Orlando Congresswoman Val Demings has become on of the central figures in Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment proceedings against President Donald J. Trump. If you have followed her tweets or watched her performances on the House Judiciary or Select Committee on Intelligence, you understand that she is your run-of-the-mill deranged Democrat obsessed with removing Trump from office, despite the fact that he has committed no crimes or impeachable offenses.

What might surprise and upset many Democrats idolizing Demings? How about the fact that she begged to be seated with Roger Stone at an event I organized in Orlando several years ago? Demings, who had not planned on attending the Tiger Bay Club of Central Florida’s monthly meeting where I had booked Mr. Stone as a speaker, approached several people involved with planning the event at the last minute asking to be placed next to Stone as we ate lunch while the program began. As I made my way around the room, I even heard Demings asking Roger Stone for advice on campaign strategy in the upcoming 2018 election.

Demings gleaned what knowledge she could from the master political strategist and who could blame her, except maybe the entire House Democrat caucus and mainstream media who think Roger Stone is a literal demon who gave us President Trump, who they believe is Satan reincarnate. Congresswoman Demings colleagues should ask her why she would want to hold court with someone like Roger Stone. What did she know and why didn’t she beg for a meeting with Clinton strategist John Podesta instead?

For those that don’t know the Demings history… here are some of her “greatest hits”.

Demings Department Issued Firearm Stolen

As the appointed Chief of Police for the City of Orlando, a job her well-connected husband secured for her, Demings left her department issued firearm in an unlocked police SUV where it was stolen and never to be found again. She is virulently anti-2nd amendment and a big believer in gun control, yet she couldn’t even control and secure her own pistol. Who knows how many crimes have been committed or people hurt because of her poor gun safety. Worse yet, according to the Orlando Sentinel, a duffel bag with ammunition, handcuffs and a baton were also swiped from Demings unlocked SUV. As a result, she was censured by the Orlando Police Department’s internal affairs division.

Demings Doomed Orange County Mayoral Campaign Violated Campaign Finance

Before she had congressional ambitions, Demings raised and spent over $250,00k in a short-lived campaign to become the Mayor of Orange County. Instead of following state statutes and campaign finance guidelines, Demings made irregular reimbursements, almost entirely to well connected political consultants and insiders who already made hand-over-fist pimping her mayoral ambitions.

Anonymous ID: 66a073 Jan. 22, 2020, 3:11 p.m. No.7879582   🗄️.is 🔗kun



much of what he said opens it up for POTUS' legal time to present evidence, re: the server, the 2016 election being illegally influenced by Ukraine and Hillary, etc.

Anonymous ID: 66a073 Jan. 22, 2020, 3:29 p.m. No.7879798   🗄️.is 🔗kun


absolutely a set-up fr the beginning

POTUS is not that stupid, meaning he and his team knew the calls with foreign heads of state were being monitored

the dems/cabal/deep state took the bait