Sorry, but I think the whole "coronavirus" scare is some kind of op (even if, unfortunately, real people have been harmed). Jon Rappoport has been predicting something like this plus the timing is too "coincidental". Just at the moment when the whole U.S. populace is waking up to the fact that "upper management" and "the men behind the curtain" of our government are up to no good, we have a convenient "outbreak". Look at the brave scientists and 'professionals' at the CDC protecting us. What heroes! we are to cry and exclaim.
For comparison I grabbed some data from the CDC for "flu" (I have lots of educated reasons not to trust them, but lets go with their information for grins)
Good old flu is a pretty big problem, but we don't worry so much because we are "used" to it.
As for "coronavirus": So what if it was isolated from a person sick in Wuhan. Does this mean everyone sick with "coronavirus" has been tested and determined to be ill due to "coronavirus"?
The CDC has been known to conflate, cover-up and misinform us aplenty. The cost of care of autism will shortly bankrupt the country but the CDC decides to worry about a "new virus"?! Is this to shut down our country (or China)? Why is this happening NOW?
Have any anons traced down any coronavirus or vaccine patents? I saw some screen caps from Jordan Sather's twatter feed suggesting this had been found on Justia.