These Socialist shills just can't move the "narrative"
and (((they))) hate that….
Last July
Mean while debunking other Fake News…
Report: March For Our Lives (marxist) Crowd Count Well Below Expected And Initial Reports:
Around 200,000 people attended the March For Our Lives gun control event in Washington, D.C. Saturday afternoon, CBS News reported.
The number is well below the 500,000 number organizers of the event expected and 600,000 less than initially reported by many news outlets immediately following the celebrity-fueled march and rally.
USA Today said Saturday the initially reported number of 800,000 marchers could “be the biggest single-day protest in D.C.’s history,” becoming a number that is larger than the 2017 Women’s March that brought 500,000 to the capitol.
retry kindergarten
attempt to pay attention to the part where the teacher trys to explain why you aren't in charge of everyone else….
you may learn you have control of only (you)
it can become impowering…
You might even learn how to "filter" or ignore people that "offend" (you)
isn't it cute when these idiots that can't even decide what to self-identify themselves as get all snively and "offended"
said like a true blue socialist clownshill