Clock activated.
Clock activated. = Triggering events have ocurred and the plan is being put into action.
Red Castle = Homeland vulnerable, in danger.
Green Castle = Homeland protected, safe(r) from danger.
The change from red to green is new military funding and the border wall. No need to overthink it or "force" it into an ACOE-only interpretation.
Stage_5:5[y] - 5:5 is used 3 times:
First use of 5:5 was [SIG_5:5_READ], defining it's meaning as signals lingo for "loud and clear, ready to recieve". The subsequent reference was to Hillary video - Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5). (notice it's in form of question but no question mark.) This reference (Stage_5:5[y]) is clearly the answer to the (non) question posed earlier: the stage is in fact set for the Hillary video and it will be released when the timing is right.