>Adenechrome is a hoax.
Sure thing shill fag. So (((they))) kidnap babies just for sport? GET THE FUCK OUT. FILTERED.
>Adenechrome is a hoax.
Sure thing shill fag. So (((they))) kidnap babies just for sport? GET THE FUCK OUT. FILTERED.
Time to dive bomb right into ADRENOCHROME:
Adrenochrome is a chemical produced by the human body when adrenaline (or epinephrine) oxidizes or “hits the air.” It’s produced when the body is traumatized in some way such as through torture or extreme terror.
When a stimulus which should produce extreme fear is introduced to a human, especially when someone is very young, the adrenaline produced is more potent than the average adult. Because of it’s psychoactive properties Adrenochrome has been linked to mind control drug. Think MK Ultra.
The extraction process is done by killing the person and harvesting the adrenochrome from the base of the neck and spinal column with a needle.
In it’s pure form, black market dealers can make extreme amounts of money when they sell it. This connection between the child sex trafficking, torture and murder of children around the world and the links between MS-13, high profile pedopushers like Podesta and Alefantis and all the ties between these non-profit organizations pretending to provide assistance to victims of various disasters around the world makes sense when you think about this type of drug trafficking.
What better way to collect children than from war torn or natural disaster ripped areas? Parents are gone, families are separated. It’s too easy to get these kid in and out of the country. They slap a few faces of children on their posters and then no one ever really tracks the kids after a certain point.
Source: http:// aprillajune.com/explosive-pedophile-ring-linked-adrenochrome-drug-trafficking/
ALSO CHECK OUT: https:// www.adrenochromelabs.com/
Canadian Based Lab that sells E-Juice but I'm not sure if it's just a front. These guys hide in plain sight.
Damn. What timeline are we in?! This is too much!