Anyone else notice that the attorney representing U1 FBI Informant is now part of Trump's team, opposing Robert Mueller who is involved in U1? We are going somewhere with this
I'm starting to get the feel that Mueller won't get his spotlight to testify publicly and announce no Trump/Russia collusion. I'm starting to think that the Mueller SC will get so much negative shit that it looks rigged against Trump that it will just end. I have to trust the plan, as I would love Mueller to announce it himself so the loose end is tied, and liberals cant cry 10 years from now and say "Trump bullied Mueller the entire SC. Only someone guilty would do that". I want a clean cut and dry judgement that is indisputable
>Adenechrome is a hoax. Never mentions by Q
We are using the logic that because Q never mentioned it, it doesnt exist? Hmmm, I guess Jacob Rothschild doesnt exist, nor do DUMBS, HAARP, anything in Antarctica, flight 370, etc, etc. I could go forever naming things Q hasn't mentioned
Green light to go
Yes he joined on 3/19, and she did 3/22. Cool stuff huh
Good call, I should have ignored. When a statement is that idiotic, that should be the red flag
Soon I hope too. Its in the news every single day now about Trump/wanting to fire Mueller narrative. It used to be once every two weeks or so. We are getting close
>Just show the chemical Formula for adenechrome. Give evidence, or just keep Gaslighting.
Clown shill attempting discord, I hope youre at least getting paid and not working for free