Anonymous ID: 311d36 Jan. 22, 2020, 6:15 p.m. No.7881660   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>1872 >>1913 >>1915

Pattern Recognition


I want anons to pay attention to something. Everywhere you hang out, you see scores of "anons" endorsing/advocating for Julian Assange. Many of the same people are ANTI-TRUMP.


Pay attention. Fatdotcom just whipped his willy out for everyone to see very clearly where his allegiances are.


Kim Dotcom


I support @SenSanders

for President. No more warmongers and deep state. End mass surveillance. Protect free speech. Free Julian Assange. End corporate corruption in US politics. Change greed for compassion. Being a capitalist doesn’t mean you can’t be socially fair. #Bernie2020