-The operation is aggressively locking the system to prevent future intrusions.
In the future, people help the opponent. Officers use aggressive leadership for operation. They fix things seeing it could benefit them. They fix things seeing it could benefit them.The group is tired of securing the lock. They fix things seeing it could benefit them.
Heirs β Future
Other β Other
Nodes β People
Hand β Help
Other β Other
Adverse β Opponent
In the future, people help the opponent.
Hoars β Elders
Doeth β Do
Tined β Pointed
Head β Leadership
For β For
Operate - Operation
Officers use aggressive leadership for operation.
Their β They
Honer β Refine
Donas β Misfortune
Look β Seeing
Do Well β Do Well
Repair β Repair
They fix things seeing it could benefit them.
Their β They
Honer β Refine
Donas β Misfortune
Look β Seeing
Do Well β Do Well
Repair β Repair
They fix things seeing it could benefit them.
Roads β Roads
Triad β Group
Tired β Tired
Secure β Secure
Lock β Lock
Secure β Secure
The group is tired of securing the lock.
Their β They
Honer β Refine
Donas β Misfortune
Look β Seeing
Do Well β Do Well
Repair β Repair
They fix things seeing it could benefit them.