Anonymous ID: fe2a85 Jan. 23, 2020, 4:27 a.m. No.7885412   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5415 >>5422 >>5512


Every hear the "myth" about the white rabbit?

It's one if the various "creation" "myths" that talks about a time of two (or more depending on what's referenced) "suns". One of the suns gets too close to the Earth, and causes everything to burn up. This "sun" eventually cools off and becomes our moon.


I don't think this was a "myth"



>our star is a red giant and is expanding,

Wrong decode.

Our "sun" USED to be a red giant, we now know as the planet "Saturn".

Anonymous ID: fe2a85 Jan. 23, 2020, 4:42 a.m. No.7885463   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>go spread you flat earth elsewhere

No. Spheres aren't "flat". I shouldn't have to explain the difference here. Would you prefer I shut up, so you can spread fear porn about "muh seventh mass extinction"?


>Bye bye shill,

Project much?

You can leave at any time



Truth scares you, doesn't it?

Anonymous ID: fe2a85 Jan. 23, 2020, 5:41 a.m. No.7885717   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5833 >>5928


>as the Sol system enters a new area in space with different charge potential. It already appears more white and intense.

It appears our system is starting to feel the effects from neighboring systems, as we approach one another. We're still 4+ light years away from the Alpha Centauri system (Proxima is a red dwarf much further away than the binary pair). Barnard's star is a "runaway" red dwarf, about 6 light years away, and coming in hot! We're also moving away from Sirius.


I'm not entirely sure what's going to happen, and it appears to be a guessing game, from even the brightest of minds. I think that's part of the reason they don't want the public aware of this type of thing. Authority has trouble functioning when they have to admit they don't have all the answers, and there's very little they can do to protect us from shit like this.


But from what I gather, it appears that most of the drama will take place in Alpha Centauri system, within the next 10,000 years. I'm sure this will be able to affect out solar system, because by then we will be only 3 light years away. Like I said, we're moving closer to one another. I would expect something like that to cause behavioral changes in our own sun, which in turn obviously affects our planet. Will it go "micronova'? That's hard to say. We may just be experiencing turbulence as we cross various "layers" of potential in the further reaches of our sun's plasma sheath.


I think we might get a front row seat to watch a similar drama that took place in our own cosmic "evolution" process. Although, it does appear that it's still far off in the future enough to where we can still plan ahead. I'm pretty sure this planet has been through much worse, and our ancestors still managed to survive. Space can seem very destructive, but at the same time, there are several mechanisms built in which preserve such an incredible amount of energy from expending itself all at once. That's one of "miraculous" parts of nature ;)

Anonymous ID: fe2a85 Jan. 23, 2020, 6:23 a.m. No.7885920   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5962 >>5993


Ben ignores some crucial points when he presents his information. He clings to the stereotypical uniformitarian approach in assessing the data. Despite having all the background with the Electric Universe ideology. He should know by know that the presence of such intense Electric fields as the ones described by our ancestors, would most certainly affect the radio isometric data that is used by modern scientists to date various substances.


This goes far beyond our misunderstanding of space. We wouldn't have any fossils to study if it weren't for the extreme circumstances that were present at the moment these creatures were preserved. It's an interesting topic to look into. We need a major makeover of the mandatory indoctrination camps kids are forced to attend.


I like Ben. He has his moments. But he pushes some dumb shit at times. For instance,he appears to be a fan of people Sathers. What does that say? The guy he keeps pushing about the "micronova" concept, also has multiple videos about how we live in a simulation. Typical clown agenda. Use Logic. Proceed with caution.