Anonymous ID: 97ef7b Jan. 23, 2020, 8:40 a.m. No.7886827   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Everything is feeling really, really good right now, frens. It's coming out. It's all coming out.

I am in the process of slowly, methodically scorching a 9 year old Facebook account.

Just one truth-telling post after another.

Bringing that beautiful truth to all those people.

Talking about the ex, who lost the family business after his employees were trading cocaine for product during the 2nd shift.

Later, when the company was sold with the deal that the ex would stay on as head of operations, the guys who bought the company came to hate that same ex SO much that Ex showed up one Monday morning to find the locks changed. New owners wouldn't let Ex remove so much as Ex's laptop and diplomas off the wall. It was funny as hell.

That same ex had a great-aunt who single-handedly brought about the lynching of a black man in Atlanta around 1915, when she was 13 and pointed him out as having attacked her. A mob dragged him to the front porch of her house, where this vile little girl screamed "that's him", and the mob of men gathered in the front yard took aim and fired. They couldn't even tell who actually fired the bullet that killed him. Was on the front page of the AJC back then, and got at least temporarily buried by the old ladies in the family who were protecting their little sister's guilty ass. Now they're all gonna know why granny was so secretive. To hell with all of them.

And then there's the cousin who's the mouthy socialist, who just visited my 86 year old mother in hospice, and blathered on about how socialism would be best for the world. Fuck you too, Gloria.

There's the cousin who left the state to live in (ta da!) Virginia, where she's a retired academic and a seriously-practicing witch. She actually BELIEVES that shit.

And you, Dennis Simpson. Wherever you are (probably dead), I am damn glad my 22 year old self took the time to prepare your 6 month backlog of expense reports which proved you were running up $15K+ expenses every month, as a mere VP of corporate lending at a small town bank. I ran those calculator tapes five times because I couldn't believe it. The bank president stomped over to my desk, I thought I was fired from my first post-college job, and had me tell him face to face, so I did. A little while later, I got on the elevator to return from lunch, and the doors opened to show Simpson holding his personal belongings in a box, being escorted out of the building by the VP Human Resources. Not long after that, bank examiners from the Fed showed up and took over the biggest conference room. Simpson wasn't just padding his expense account to an insane degree, he was taking payments under the table from high-risk loan prospects to get their applications approved by the loan committee.

I found it. Me, just a dumb kid, green as grass, busted that asshole.


All that to say, you never know when you're gonna get a chance to expose wrongdoing. They're betting that nobody will call them on that shit.


The point of this obnoxious wall of boring anecdotal text?

I know that every single anon here can think of similar anecdotes in their own life.

Or times when they SHOULD have spoken up, but didn't.

If you see corruption and illegality, YOU can be the one who stops it. You don't need a law degree. You don't need to be a cop. Just do the right thing, stand by what you dig up, and give the cops and lawyers enough to take it from there.