When they release the video this is going to be the MSM counter attack,
https: //www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/mar/12/may-thatcher-deepfake-face-swap-tech-change-world
They are trying to show us how we should doubt any videos showing our politicians and celebrities in a bad light as being probable "fake news" becasue of this new technology.
Maybe we should prepare for this argument by having some memes handy? I am just not wanting us to be blindsided by their likely argument.
Of course the sword cuts both ways - each side can use this to decry the other;s video as fake.
I first looked into this when I was trying to discover if the Hannity/Assange video from December 2016 was real or had been faked. Here is a video I discovered today using Obama, explaining this process a bit.
https: //youtu.be/dkoi7sZvWiU