Anonymous ID: 9b9ed3 Jan. 23, 2020, 1:24 p.m. No.7890066   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The White House

Office of the Press Secretary


January 23, 2020




“Together, we will create an immigration system to make America safer, and stronger, and greater than ever before.” – President Donald J. Trump




COMBATTING BIRTH TOURISM: President Donald J. Trump is taking action to combat birth tourism.


  • The Administration is taking action to end “birth tourism” – a practice in which aliens travel to the United States with the purpose of giving birth to gain citizenship for their children.

  • Organizations bring in large numbers of aliens to systematically exploit this loophole and unfairly provide citizenship for their children.

  • Most birth tourism groups charge tens of thousands of dollars, which often doesn’t include coverage for medical care.

  • Groups are flown to the United States and often brought to motels, whose owners are also often complicit in the scheme.

  • The State Department will stop issuing temporary visitor visas to applicants who are traveling to the United States to engage in birth tourism.

  • The Administration’s new rule makes clear that attempting to improperly provide citizenship for one’s child through birth tourism is not a legitimate grounds for obtaining a visitor visa.

  • Visas will still be issued to aliens whose purpose of travel is consistent with permissible business and pleasure activities.

  • Citizenship is the crown jewel of the American immigration system and must be vigorously protected from exploitation.


PROTECTING NATIONAL SECURITY: The Administration’s action addresses the national security and law enforcement risks associated with birth tourism.

  • Birth tourism could allow foreign governments to exploit birth tourism in manners that threaten the security of the United States.

  • Foreign governments could exploit this vulnerability to recruit individuals who were born as the result of birth tourism and raised overseas, without attachment to the United States.

  • Through birth tourism, foreign nationals are able to have their children avoid the scrutiny and procedures they would normally undergo if they became citizens through naturalization.

  • Organized criminal networks have taken advantage of the birth tourism loophole at the expense of American citizens.

  • Businesses in the birth tourism industry have engaged in widespread immigration fraud and money laundering.


PRESERVING OUR PUBLIC RESOURCES: Addressing birth tourism continues President Trump’s efforts to safeguard our Nation’s public benefits from abuse.

  • The Administration’s action will protect our social welfare system from abuse by foreign nationals using our welfare system to pay for the births of their children.

  • Last year, the Administration took action to ensure that if aliens want to enter or remain in the United States, they must support themselves and not rely on public benefits.

  • The President issued a proclamation suspending the entry of aliens who financially burden the American healthcare system.

  • The Administration proposed a rule to require the verification of immigration status for anyone seeking to access public housing benefits.


  • Citizenship is the crown jewel of the American immigration system and must be vigorously protected from exploitation.


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