Anonymous ID: bcf89c Jan. 23, 2020, 12:42 p.m. No.7889390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9444

Ex-Wells Execs Hit With $59MM In Fines Over Fake Account Scandal; Stumpf Barred For Life


Nearly four years after Wells Fargo's reputation was terminally crushed by the humiliating fake accounts scandal, the punishment for Warren Buffett's favorite bank and its (mostly former) employees is still being doled out, and moments ago the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency announced $59 million in civil charges and settlements with eight former Wells Fargo senior executives on Thursday, including the payment of a $17.5 million fine by John Stumpf, the bank’s former CEO, who also agreed to a lifetime industry ban. Carrie Tolstedt, who led Wells Fargo’s community bank for a decade, faces a penalty of as much as $25 million.


"The actions announced by the OCC today reinforce the agency’s expectations that management and employees of national banks and federal savings associations provide fair access to financial services, treat customers fairly, and comply with applicable laws and regulations,” Joseph Otting, who heads the OCC, said in a statement.


Wells Fargo unleashed unprecedented public and political ire in 2016 after its was revealed that bank employees opened millions of fake accounts to meet sales goals. That and a slew of retail-banking issues that subsequently came to light have led to regulatory fallout that’s in many cases unprecedented for a major bank, including a growth cap from the Federal Reserve. It also led to a historic Congressional grilling of the bank's then CEO, John Stumpf, who resigned shortly after.


As Bloomberg notes," this is the first public step the OCC has taken against former executives related to Wells Fargo’s problems. Regulators received criticism from some corners over the fact that few individuals and no top executives were held accountable for crisis-era missteps that cost the banks billions in fines and penalties."


Regulatory actions against Wells Fargo have also included billions of dollars in fines and legal costs, and an order giving the OCC the right to remove some of the bank’s leaders. The Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission also have been investigating the lender’s issues.


Why did it take 4 years for some individual justice to finally emerge? Simple: regulatory capture - as Bloomberg adds, the OCC drew scrutiny of its own as the firm’s main regulator throughout the scandals, prompting an internal review at the agency.


The OCC and the Fed have both cited a wide-ranging pattern of abuses and lapses at Wells Fargo, yet despite the universal condemnation, the bank's biggest shareholder, Warren Buffett, has refused to dispose of his stake.

Anonymous ID: bcf89c Jan. 23, 2020, 12:44 p.m. No.7889423   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9646 >>0021

The Pledge: Labour’s Contrived ‘anti-Semitism Crisis’ Outlives Corbyn


Once Jeremy Corbyn assumed his party’s leadership in 2015, the Israeli Lobby, Conservative Party operatives and the mainstream press began a highly coordinated defamation campaign designed to damage the Labour leader and party’s reputation, and to keep him from ever reaching No.10 Downing Street. All this despite the fact that Corbyn has been a life-long anti-racism campaigner. The Establishment’s propaganda and smear operation was successful enough to convince a large enough portion of the population that the socialist and anti-imperialist movement which swept Corbyn into power was somehow ‘anti-semitic’ at its core. A total inversion of reality. This will go down in history as one of greatest propaganda efforts ever – successfully creating a total inversion of reality in order to turn a general election.


Still, even after the 2019 General Election and Tory landslide victory, the same cartel has continued their full-court press in a bid to dismantle the Labour Party, as Tony Blair’s pro-war neoliberal New Labour faction and the pro-Israel lobby team-up to intimidate and purge any remaining dissenters from the party’s ranks. Labour’s Blairites are now openly using the anti-semitism tactic in order to eliminate their political competition.


If the current Stalinist purge is allowed to continue, it runs the risk of ruining British politics for at least the next decade…


Asa Whitstanley

Electronic Intifada


Candidates for the leadership of the UK’s Labour Party have capitulated to new demands from the Israel lobby.


The Board of Deputies of British Jews is insisting that whoever replaces Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader in April should effectively institute purges of the party membership.


So the fabricated “anti-Semitism crisis” in Britain’s main opposition party rages on, despite Corbyn’s defeat last month – which other Israel lobbyists have now claimed responsibility for.


The Board of Deputies on Sunday issued 10 “pledges” – or “demands” as The Jewish Chronicle reported – “to end the anti-Semitism crisis.”


In what was clearly a coordinated action, all five candidates who have received sufficient nominations to be on the ballot paper in the leadership contest instantly agreed to the Board’s demands.


These included the supposedly left-wing shadow minister Rebecca Long-Bailey. She commands the most support among Labour members, according to one opinion poll, with Keir Starmer, the party’s main spokesperson on Brexit, in second position.


The group Labour Against the Witch Hunt has condemned the demands, calling on candidates to reject them.

Anonymous ID: bcf89c Jan. 23, 2020, 12:46 p.m. No.7889466   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9602

Q you want to weigh in on the China "pandemic" seems awfully contrived and blown out of proportion…………………??????????

Anonymous ID: bcf89c Jan. 23, 2020, 12:54 p.m. No.7889578   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9615

Weapons Lobby, UK & Italy in the Hands of Qatar’s Muslim Brotherhood: Rothschild partner and Jihadists’ funder


by Fabio Giuseppe Carlo Carisio for VT Italy




To discover the shady intrigues you have to follow the money because, especially when there are many, they always leave traces. This was taught by the dear departed judge Giovanni Falcone who tried to oppose not only the Mafia but the Deep International State made up of Freemason businessmen, politicians in league with the secret services and finally honor mobster-men of Cosa Nostra (today especially ‘Ndrangheta), who was used for the works dirty, no more, no less, as the great NATO powers have employed and are using the jihadists of Al Qaeda and ISIS


Following the billionaire business of the defense market in Europe, dangerous relationships and geopolitical-military strategies surface between countries of the Old Continent, such as the United Kingdom and Italy, with the Muslim Brothers of Qatar, in complicity, as usual, with the leading exponents of the New World Order such as the occult empire of the Rothschilds and their uncovered face, the financier George Soros, spokesman for globalism under the mask of international Democrats.


If you pull the strings of these connections it becomes clear why the invasion of radical Islam of Sunni confession is painted as a conquest by Great Britain, the European Union and poor Italy, a nation that would have already been destined to be erased if not had become the US aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean and had not held the seat of the Roman Catholic Church in the center.


Even today, the Vatican State remains the ancient emblem of Christianity of the first martyrs Saint Peter and Saint Paul in Rome, but it represents one of the most powerful religious authorities in the world, although clever manipulators are leading it to suicide by piloting the support of the pontiff Josà Maria Bergoglio towards the indiscriminate reception of thousands and thousands of migrants among whom criminals of Nigerian Mafias and extremist Islamists are hiding. In spite of the repeated massacres of Christians in the countries of Sunni radical Islam.




In the midst of this Mediterranean social chaos, with the plush footsteps of a black panther in the jungle of the holdings’ financial interests, the Muslim Brotherhood of Qatar move and have got their hands on one of the most important and lucrative European business: the weapons’ one. By virtue of this, of course, they will increasingly be able to influence the policies of some European governments which, rather than defining their friends or allies, may be now called subjects or servants of the Arabs of Doha, capital of the Qatariot Emirate.



Anonymous ID: bcf89c Jan. 23, 2020, 12:57 p.m. No.7889615   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9642





This revelation will certainly not arouse amazement among the main military geopolitical analysts who are well aware of the links between NATO countries and the Arab country of the Persian Gulf governed by Emir Tamim bin Hamad al Thani.


Just in Qatar, south-west of Doha, there is the Al Udeid military air base, also known as Abu Nakhlah airport, which hosts the Qatar Air Force, the US Air Force, the British Royal Air Force (RAF) and other members of the Gulf War Coalition, there located since 1996, after the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, and before the subsequent war for the regime-chance in Baghdad with the elimination of the Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein.


«The progressive deterioration of the political and military stability of the Middle Eastern area, which began in 2011 with the phenomenon of the” Arab springs “, has determined a heterogeneous map of the race to rearm the countries of the Persian Gulf, in particular of the nations belonging to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). Among the GCC countries, Qatar has collaborated with Italy since the signing in 2010 of an intergovernmental agreement on cooperation in the defense sector in Doha. Since then, Qatar has launched an intense acquisition program aimed at expanding and modernizing the military technologies supplied to its Armed Forces» writes analyst Gloria Piedinovi for the italian geopolitical website CESI.


But the growth of Qatari Emirate relations with NATO countries came, paradoxically, just after June 2017 when Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates (United Arab Emirates) broke off their diplomatic ties with Doha, accusing him of sponsoring “terrorism” and destabilizing the region. The four countries imposed the embargo on Qatar with restrictions on the use of airspace, the closure of the land border by Riad through which most of the food supplies arrived.


Emir Tamim bin Hamad al Thani managed to get out of the serious crisis “by strengthening relations with Turkey and finding a valuable bank in Iran, especially for the creation of an air bridge that would guarantee essential supplies for the population. Furthermore, in order to preserve its territorial integrity, support from Kuwait and Oman has proved fundamental, advocates of a neutral position in the dispute and active in mediating between the parties “, notes Piedinovi.




As previously mentioned, the terrorism charges always appear pretext when they are brought by countries such as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, known not only for having founded and financed Al Qaeda, as claimed by the Muslim American Dem deputy Ilhan Omar, but also for having sent to fight those sentenced to death by Riyadh in Syria and Yemen, in the ranks of the Qaedist terrorist organization as shown by the documents of Saudi intelligence reported in a previous investigation by Gospa News.




But what was true in the insinuation that Doha supported jihadist terrorists?


This question is answered by a recent investigation by the Swedish media in the Turkish language Nordic Monitor, often a precious resource of documents of the international secret services that emerged from the MIT archives of Ankara as well as from various US agencies.


«Turkey and Qatar likely provided support to Syrian al-Qaeda group Jabhat al-Nusra, or the al-Nusra Front, the US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) concluded in 2016» journalist Abdullah Bozkurt wrote about a report prepared by DIA’s Middle East/Africa Center and Defense Combating Terrorism Center.

