Anonymous ID: 958ff1 Jan. 23, 2020, 2:25 p.m. No.7890957   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Tennessee Gov. Introduces New Bill Banning Abortions Where Fetal Heartbeat Is Detected


Tennessee is taking further steps to protect the lives of unborn children. State Gov. Bill Lee announced on Thursday that he will push for comprehensive restrictions on abortions this year, including a new version of a bill that would prohibit the procedure where a fetal heartbeat is detected.


The state previously passed a so-called “heartbeat bill” in the House of Representatives last year but it failed to gain support in the Senate. Republican state senators said they were concerned that the law could get struck down in court on constitutional grounds.


The proposed heartbeat bill, Lee said, will include a new approach that would include bans on abortion at two-week gestational age intervals if the bill is struck down in court. This approach, which was modeled after Missouri’s law, would also include a severability clause.


The new law, which still has not been finalized, will likely include provisions requiring a mother to undergo an ultrasound prior to an abortion and prohibiting an abortion provider from performing the procedure they know was sought because of the race, sex, health, or disability diagnosis of the unborn child.


“I believe that every human life is precious, and we have a responsibility to protect it,” Lee said in a statement on Thursday. “Today, Tennessee is taking a monumental step in celebrating, cherishing, and defending life at every stage. I’m grateful to be joined by so many leaders in our state who are boldly standing up for our most vulnerable.”


Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, who raised concerns about a similar bill last year, said in a statement that he was “ecstatic” for the proposed bill.


“The many provisions of this bill represent great leaps forward for the cause of life in Tennessee. The destination has always been clear. The issue has been identifying the proper vehicle. We now have the proper vehicle,” McNally said. “This comprehensive, tiered approach is our best chance of advancing the cause of life without sacrificing the gains we have made.”


Several states including Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Ohio have passed their own version of the “heartbeat bills.” Many of these bills have led to a series of legal challenges in courts. These states are hoping that the lawsuits could be a vehicle to challenge the 1973 landmark decision Roe v. Wade, which protects a woman’s access to abortion, in the Supreme Court. Several courts across the country have already invalidated the “heartbeat bill,” such as in Kentucky.


The Supreme Court is preparing to hear a case regarding state laws that put restrictions on abortions. That case asks the court to decide whether an unconstitutional burden has been placed on women seeking abortions after Louisiana passed a law requiring doctors performing abortions to have admitting privileges within 30 miles of where the procedure was taking place. Although the right to abortion is not the focus issue of the case, it has garnered significant attention as the case could provide people with some insight into the top court’s attitude toward the procedure, since this case would be the first for President Donald Trump’s two new appointees—Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.


According to the Guttmacher Institute, 12,140 abortions were performed in Tennessee in 2017, although not all of the abortions were provided to residents of the states. Moreover, the abortion rate in the state declined 14 percent between 2014 and 2017, from 10.7 to 9.2 abortions per 1000 women of reproductive age.

Anonymous ID: 958ff1 Jan. 23, 2020, 2:27 p.m. No.7891010   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1030 >>1102

The Future Of What's Called "Capitalism"


The psychotic instability will resolve itself when the illusory officially sanctioned "capitalism" implodes.


Whatever definition of capitalism you use, the current system isn't it so let's call it "capitalism" in quotes to indicate it's called "capitalism" but isn't actually classical capitalism.


Try a few conventional definitions on for size:


Capitalism allocates capital to its most productive uses. Does the current system actually do this? You must be joking.


Capitalism is based on private labor and capital freely choosing where to invest time/assets. Does the current system actually do this? You must be joking.


Capitalism enables comparative advantages which enrich everyone. Does the current system actually do this? You must be joking.


The core dynamics of "capitalism" around the globe are:


1) Central banks create unprecedented sums of currency and credit and distribute them to the top of the wealth-power pyramid: banks, financiers, corporations, the super-wealthy.


2) The recipients of the central banks' free money and credit dominate production, finance and the political sphere, controlling these forces to serve their own interests to the detriment of the biosphere and 99.9% of humanity.


3) The system depends on ever-increasing debt and leverage in every sector, household, commercial and government. If debt and leverage stop expanding, the system crashes.


4) Energy must be abundant and affordable to the average worker or the system crashes.


5) Despite the supposed benefits of "comparative advantage" globalization, costs of essential goods and services are rising relentlessly everywhere while wages stagnate everywhere.


6) The abject failure of "green solutions" such as recycling to the horrendously wasteful landfill economy.


7) The unholy alliance of surveillance capitalism and increasingly repressive states.


8) The unprecedented dominance of stock and financial markets, to the detriment of the real economy.


The current issue of Foreign Affairs magazine is emblematic of the status quo's calculated avoidance of these dynamics: the issue's focus is "The Future of Capitalism," but there is literally not one mention of central banks, the dominance of financial elites, the dependence of the system on ever-expanding debt and leverage, soaring costs of essentials while wages stagnate or the inconvenient reality that there is no substitute for hydrocarbon fuels.


Instead, the "future of capitalism" is presented as a choice between statist (i.e. Chinese) and private-sector (i.e. American) versions, ignoring the reality that both versions depend on central banks issuing unprecedented, gargantuan sums of freshly issued currency and credit, enormous expansions of public and private debt, ever-higher speculative leverage and ever-greater consumption of hydrocarbon fuels.


Rather than "efficient allocation of capital," we have monopolies and cartels profiting from a staggeringly wasteful landfill economy based on extracting ever greater quantities or energy to squander on traffic congestion, destructive addictions and planned obsolescence.


Rather than an "invisible hand" benefiting everyone, we have a self-serving state-cartel system that squashes competition, exploits the politically powerless and stripmines resources, workforces and a financial system designed to benefit the few at the expense of the many.


We inhabit an unsustainably destabilizing psychotic dualist reality, an officially sanctioned "capitalism" in which everyone is getting better every day in every way as central banks, financiers and the super-wealthy go about their self-serving business, and the lived real-world economic reality described by the eight dynamics listed above.


The psychotic instability will resolve itself when the illusory officially sanctioned "capitalism" implodes.

Anonymous ID: 958ff1 Jan. 23, 2020, 2:29 p.m. No.7891051   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former ‘Beloved’ Meteorologist To Plead Guilty To Child Porn Charges


COLUMBUS, Ohio — Fromer 10TV meteorologist Mike Davis will plead guilty to four counts accusing him of child pornography.


Davis was charged in September with pandering sexually oriented matter involving a minor’, a second-degree felony.


WBNS reported: Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC) received 25 tips from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children that a Yahoo! Inc. account associated with Davis’ email address had uploaded more than 15,000 images of suspected child pornography using that email address.


According to the affidavit in support of the search warrant, “the complaint described the images as being female children ranging in the age from pre-teen to young teenager.”


The indictment alleges that Davis downloaded and emailed to himself videos and images depicting young children engaging in sexual activity.


According to the affidavit, Davis stated he would email the images to himself to view on other devices.


He had been “regularly e-mailing” images to himself in “small batches” since December of 2012, according to the affidavit.


Dacis was with 10TV for over 30 years and was fired shortly after the accusation.

Anonymous ID: 958ff1 Jan. 23, 2020, 2:45 p.m. No.7891324   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1346 >>1400

The CIA’s “Signature School” Is Equipping Firefighters With Wearable Emotion/Facial Recognition Devices


Over the years, I have written about the possible dangers of firefighters carrying weapons and being trained like SWAT teams. But this latest story will leave you scratching your head and wondering what the CIA’s “Signature School” has done to America’s firefighters.


Last week the University of New Mexico (UNM) announced that they have created a Wearable Emotion Facial Recognition (WEFR) device for firefighters.


The article describes an innovative new facial-recognition algorithm formulated for use in firefighting technology. The algorithm enables computing systems to identify the emotions displayed by facial expressions with 98% accuracy.


Firefighting devices will learn, which facial expressions correspond with which emotion.


What is especially noteworthy about this technology is that it is the first facial-recognition algorithm to use semi-supervised learning – a method in which researchers essentially teach a computational network how to recognize faces. This is done by inputting both labeled images (pictures of faces which have been labeled, by a researcher, with the emotional expression they display) as well as unlabeled images into a network of computational nodes programmed with the algorithm. In time, the system actually “learns” which facial expressions correspond with which emotion.


Why do firefighters need to learn about people’s emotions and why would they depend on a device to interpret them? Last I checked humans are not automatons and polygraph machines are unreliable.


A National Science Foundation search revealed that WEFR’s will be “equipped with microphones and ambient sensors.”


Equipping firefighters with microphones and emotion/facial recognition cameras essentially turns them into Federal agents.


Would anyone like to venture a guess as to why UNM created WEFRs?


UNM claims WEFRs are for first responder safety, wink, wink, and not for the $200,000+ in grant money.


Finding an accurate facial recognition algorithm is an important facet of Martínez-Ramón’s ongoing efforts to create a wearable device that would aid firefighters during life-threatening emergencies. Facial expressions are an indispensable form of human communication; a smile or a grimace can tell us whether someone is safe and happy or scared and in pain.


I think most of us would agree that a person would be happy knowing a firefighter is not going to twist an “indispensable form of human communication” into a veiled CIA excuse to equip firefighters with facial recognition.


Why would I say that the CIA is behind turning firefighters into Federal agents?


Because in 2016, an article in the Albuquerque Business First revealed that UNM is considered the CIA’s “Signature School”.


This is the same school that helped create a $1 billion dollar full mock-up smart city in the desert complete with surveillance cameras, microphones, Bluetooth monitoring devices, license plate readers, and probably Stingray cell phone surveillance equipment.


As I mentioned in 2017, UNM has a 100% job placement rate with, wait for it… the CIA, the FBI and DHS. So why would the CIA’s “Signature School” develop wearable emotion and facial recognition cameras for firefighters? I think we all know the answer to that.


UNM boasts that soon every firefighter will be equipped with a microphone, emotion and facial recognition.


The anticipated result of the Next Generation Connected and Smart Cyber Fire Fighter System grant is a complex network of devices, used by firefighters throughout the country, that employs supercomputing technology to save lives. According to the grant proposal, the finished product will use microphones, cameras, body sensors, and ambient sensors to monitor oxygen levels, potential hazards, the presence of victims, and other important indicators of scene safety.


Can you imagine an entire country of emotion/facial recognition firefighters responding to smoke or odor alarms, car accidents, medical calls, drawing a person’s blood, rescuing people trapped in elevators or aiding injured people being transported in ambulances?


As Vox said, firefighters do a lot less firefighting; their new role is medical responders.


So the question now becomes why do we need to equip medical responders (firefighters) with the CIA’s facial and emotion recognition cameras?


Can you imagine a country filled with police facial recognition body cameras and firefighter emotion/facial recognition devices? Where does Big Brother’s need to identify everyone stop and where does Americans’ need to be left alone begin?

Anonymous ID: 958ff1 Jan. 23, 2020, 2:58 p.m. No.7891517   🗄️.is 🔗kun


No arrests till re-election:


CHABAD Rabbi says Trump has 4 tasks, that "are his Job"


Start at 14:45


  1. Assist the Jewish people to get Israel back, Jerusalem, Golan, Jordan Valley…..


  1. Protect the Jewish people from Anti-Semites,


  1. Raise America back to Morale law, NOAHIDE LAWS.


  1. Make Israel Great Again, not America.

Anonymous ID: 958ff1 Jan. 23, 2020, 3 p.m. No.7891542   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1568 >>1600


The White House

‏Verified account @WhiteHouse


Two years ago today, Joe Biden shares how, as Vice President, he threatened to withhold aid to Ukraine unless a prosecutor was fired. #TBT