excellent interview John Bolton by Hoover Institute 2009
https:// www.youtube. com/watch?v=pUJZ1olea2g
Bolton said that going into Iraq made sense because Saddam could not prove that he destroyed chemical weapons. BUT once we had removed him, we should have turned the gov back over to the people.
Said Obama and HRC were naiive, and endangered the country.
As I am watchful of the way Iran is being demonized, I hesitate to approve of Bolton's comments, but they are rational if his information is true, that the world does not want Iran to become a larger power in the region.
The interviewer called Bolton "a prophet crying in the wilderness" or "Jeremiah" – towards the end of the video. Bolton may not be a war hawk so much as he is for strength.
I give my temporary thumbs up on it.
(My own opinions are that Iran got screwed by British Petroleum, under the legal opposition of Winston Churchill, who refused to renegotiate the outrageous deal that was gotten from the puppet "the Shah." BP also refused to let Iran see the books from which their profits were calculated. The only way to free themselves from BP was to nationalize their oil. NOW, with OPEC Iran's huge reservoirs of oil could flood the market and Saudi Arabia would take a hit.)
Is this whole piece of shit war about oil AGAIN??
Shall we pray for free energy to free our world from this plague??