Anonymous ID: 7f555c Jan. 23, 2020, 9:29 p.m. No.7896540   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6574 >>6967

Ex-senator says Democrat likely to risk revealing classified impeachment document from Pence aide


A former lawmaker expects one of the Senate Democrats to speak out about a classified letter from an aide to Vice President Mike Pence that has become part of the impeachment fight. Claire McCaskill, who was a Democratic senator from Missouri from 2007 to 2019, told an MSNBC panel that her on Wednesday. Claire McCaskill, who was a Democratic senator from Missouri from 2007 to 2019, told an MSNBC panel that her former colleagues are frustrated by the concealment of the document, which was admitted as impeachment evidence on Wednesday. McCaskill said their frustration could lead to a “risky” disclosure because they believe it was improperly classified. "Senators, if they go to a classified briefing or they look at a classified document and they are confident that it is not, it should not be classified, they can speak out and tell people about it," McCaskill said. After host Rachel Maddow suggested that a senator could risk this and talk about what is in the letter on TV, McCaskill said, "Their staff will probably go crazy and go, 'Don't you dare. This is way too risky.' But I'm willing to bet with the stakes involved here that if there's something important in that document and it's not legitimately classified, somebody will in fact speak about it."


Former U.S. Attorney Chuck Rosenberg, a critic of President Trump who was also on the panel, described such a move as "quite risky," noting there is a potential national security "danger" if the senator does not fully understand how such information was collected. The document was submitted as supplemental testimony from Pence aide Jennifer Williams and relates to a phone call the vice president had with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in September. Appearing before House investigators, Williams described Trump's July call with Zelenksy, which sparked impeachment proceedings, as "unusual" and "inappropriate." Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts, who is presiding over the Senate impeachment trial, announced late Wednesday that “a single, one-page classified document identified by the House managers" would not be made part of the public record or printed.


Some Democratic senators who saw the document in a classified room on Thursday claimed they did not see any information warranting its classification, and House impeachment managers, including House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, said he would like to have somebody from the Trump administration under oath explain the situation because I don’t think it’s defensible."' While making an announcement on TV is one thing, senators have put the protections of the "Speech or Debate"''' Clause of the Constitution to the test in the past, such as the effort to enter the Pentagon Papers into the Congressional Record in the early 1970s.


Rosenberg advised against McCaskill's suggested gambit, but the former senator argued the courts could be a saving grace as the Trump administration would have to prove the document deserved to be classified. "If they do do it, then it goes to the court because the only risk to them is that they are charged with disclosing information. And then it goes in front of a judge, and a judge looks at it and goes, 'Well, there's nothing here classified. This is just Donald Trump trying to hide stuff.'"

Anonymous ID: 7f555c Jan. 23, 2020, 10:08 p.m. No.7896747   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6773 >>6883 >>6947

In Guantanamo courtroom, interrogator says he denounced abusive interrogations at CIA black sites


GUANTANAMO BAY, Cuba — The man widely seen as the architect of the CIA’s enhanced interrogation techniques used in the wake of 9/11 testified about the existence of what he viewed as abusive CIA interrogation operations outside his control. James Mitchell, 67, a clinical psychologist formerly of the Air Force Survival School, was hired as a contractor by the CIA in 2002. The agency asked him to apply his experiences as a survival, evasion, resistance, and escape instructor toward developing an interrogation program. The program was formed in response to al Qaeda attacks that killed nearly 3,000 Americans on Sept. 11, 2001. Mitchell appeared this week before a military court in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, to give dayslong testimony in a 9/11 death penalty case this week.


Mitchell and a partner, psychologist John "Bruce" Jessen, once ran a Spokane, Washington state-based consulting firm, Mitchell Jessen and Associates, and are credited with developing enhanced interrogation techniques including sleep deprivation and stress positions. The two were referenced in a 2008 Senate Armed Services Committee report, Inquiry Into the Treatment of Detainees in U.S. Custody. The headquarters of their now-defunct business previously drew protesters who staged an anti-torture rally. While on the stand at Guantanamo Bay, Mitchell harshly criticized how, in 2002 and 2003, other CIA interrogators at black sites did not follow what the psychologist viewed as the careful guidelines he’d laid out for ensuring interrogations were safe. The other interrogators also violated some of the Justice Department’s authorized techniques, he said. Mitchell personally waterboarded alleged al Qaeda facilitator Abu Zubaydah, 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and alleged plotter of the USS Cole bombing Abd al Rahim al Nashiri.


Mitchell described a “poorly run” black site believed to be in Afghanistan in late 2002, where “they left indigenous guards there overnight.” Mitchell said, “It was colder than it should’ve been” with “prisoners with various states of clothing” who were “chained in what appeared to be horse stalls.” Mitchell said he questioned Nashiri there in an interrogation room. Mitchell pointed to the death in custody of suspect Gul Rahman, about whom he said his partner, Jessen, sent a cable to the CIA to “get him some heaters, blankets, and food.” “I would’ve gotten him a physician,” Mitchell said, and he said a CIA official cursed him when he brought up the issue.


But he focused most of his ire on the now-deceased and unnamed chief interrogator for the CIA’s then-newly formed rendition, detention, and interrogation group of the Counterterrorism Center’s special missions department. The chief interrogator was referred to as “NX2” throughout the military court proceedings, though Mitchell referred to him as “The New Sheriff” in his 2016 book, Enhanced Interrogations, and during his testimony this week.


“There is a new sheriff in town. I’m calling the shots now. Your services as an interrogator are no longer needed, but you can’t leave,” Mitchell quoted "NX2" as saying when they first met in December 2002 at a black site in what is believed to be Poland. “There are some things we can’t do unless you’re here, because you’re the only one authorized to do them,” Mitchell said "NX2" told him, adding, “I had no idea what he was talking about, and to this day I still don’t know.”

Anonymous ID: 7f555c Jan. 23, 2020, 10:29 p.m. No.7896860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6870 >>6888

Natural News Hacked & Attacked — Founder Mike Adams Reveals the Culprit


After two days of investigations involving several lawyers and a private investigator, we have identified the source of the attacks on Natural News. It turns out our original fears were not quite right. Rather than “cyber warfare,” it turns out that Natural News was the target of industry sabotage. The source of the sabotage is the vaccine deep state, a secretive, fascist cabal of operators with ties to both Big Pharma and the pro-vaccine branches of the federal government (NIH, CDC, FDA).


Natural News has now learned that this vaccine deep state has gained control over a federal court and is now issuing secret, extrajudicial orders to tech companies that order them to disrupt or deplatform so-called “anti-vax” publishers and news organizations. It is no exaggeration to say that the vaccine deep state now runs its own secret court system that issues sabotage orders to disrupt independent media publishers. The rampant de-platforming of vaccine skeptics across YouTube, Facebook and Twitter was almost certainly accomplished through this secret court mechanism. This is why so many vaccine truth channels were simultaneously de-platformed by the tech giants.


Natural News has also learned that many other independent publishers are about to be impacted by the same secret court orders. The publishers who are targeted in these operations are given no notice and no chance to challenge the illegality of such orders. Tech companies are ordered into silence and told they cannot communicate with the parties who are affected. These “sabotage orders” are then suddenly enacted in secret, with no warning at all. They cannot be found through regular searches through court documents, either. One attorney who reviewed the items we found was astonished, saying he’d never seen anything like this before.


The sabotage order recently issued against Natural News was, we have learned, a “warning shot” to prove that the vaccine deep state can now deplatform any publisher it chooses, for any length of time it wants. Even more horrifying, the vaccine deep state appears to be able to seize any domain name it wants by simply issuing a secret court order to the domain name registrar that holds the name. For this reason, all publishers who hope to defend against these nefarious actions must immediately seek to move both their website hosting and domain name registrations out of U.S. jurisdiction, where U.S. court orders are far less likely to be enforced.


The vaccine deep state is now at war with humanity and is systematically working to silence all pro-human voices that question the false narratives of the vaccine industry. No doubt the same heavy handed tactics will soon expand to target websites that are opposed to pesticides, GMOs, fluoride or chemotherapy. This is a whole new level of tyranny on the ‘net, and President Trump continues to do absolutely nothing to stop this techno-fascist tyranny from expanding.

Anonymous ID: 7f555c Jan. 23, 2020, 10:47 p.m. No.7896935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6956


This is written by the site owner Mike Adams.. his site was taken down, the site deals with a lot of alternative medicine, not much of a chance that any mainstream news would even remotely cover this…more details here. Have you ever followed this site? Natural Path, Doc's have been dying in significant numbers they have information that could put Big Pharma out of business, if they became mainstream medicine. With that I respectfully disagree this is click bait.

Anonymous ID: 7f555c Jan. 23, 2020, 11:02 p.m. No.7896992   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>>Have you ever followed this site?


>I've seen NN before. They're about 10% good, 90% crackpot. He's probably making this up. No court in the country, secret or otherwise, would so directly infringe on the 1st amendment like he is claiming.


You have sauce for your claim, or otherwise it's an opinion, can tell you that Natural Medicine combined with conventional medicine saved my spouse's life last year. What created the mess was conventional medical personal not paying attention. We are very lucky it's just a memory..