Anonymous ID: 69f84b Jan. 24, 2020, 6:30 a.m. No.7898511   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8533 >>8563


>On the topic of Ancient Kings being Giants- Bloodlines of the Nephilim/-Titans/-Demigods, etc.


This video discusses the Tarim Basin mummies in China, Coming from isolated white Aryan tribes linguistically and genetically linked to Western Europeans. The Chinese government has suppressed the existence of Pyramids in the western regions, fearing admitting a historical reign of non-Asiatic peoples. The presence of these peoples is interesting enough, but what really piqued my interest in this video is when he discussed an ancient Chinese written account of the Tarim Basin peoples:

>"Their King had 6-fingers and 6-toes, and any children he had that did not have 6-fingers and 6-toes he would have killed…"

They also discuss directly the elongated skull features of the King and ruling class, saying they would bind infant skulls to accentuate their prominent head shapes. I believe this account adds clarity to the apparent world-wide hegemony of elongated skull-giants from Peru/Ukraine/Europe/North America, etc. It also shows that their naturally enlarged skulls (30% larger cranial capacity) where deformed intentionally with binding, leading to the wide variety of shapes seen in the archaeological record.