Anonymous ID: c961d4 Jan. 24, 2020, 7:23 a.m. No.7898854   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Ya, so Jesus. So what if he's a man, and as such, he's flawed. He's not perfectly pure and good the way God is. He has fears and he's wrong about things and he can be jealous and petty. But he's a man who has chosen to fight for God because he loves God as his father and only partner, and he has chosen to fight for mankind and the earth because despite his flaws he is a deeply loving person. But most peaople are deeply loving, given the chance. He's just been given that chance, because he's blessed.


So why's it important that he's just a man? Isn't he the Savior? He is. But not because he's perfect. He's the chosen one because it's a rule of this holographic universe. There are rules – strict rules – which govern this experience of our universe. And God works within those rules. He has chosen to abide by those rules because his creation (this "matrix") necessitates rules. One of the rules written into the fabric of this matrix from the beginning is that it's not easy to become "like God" (in terms of power and insight) within this matrix. In fact, it's nearly impossible. But the rule is only one will be able to do so, and the one will only happen once every X thousand(s) years. Perhaps as a fail-safe, so that the matrix can be adjusted back to the Light at a critical juncture. After all, it would be really disastrous if anyone could stumble upont he secret of becoming The One, and then well really mess things up. So God's rule within the matrix is you have to be THE one. Again, he's not the kindest one, though he's inherently very kind. He's not the most intelleigent one, though he's unusually smart. He's not the bravest one, though he isn't afraid to die for God and is at that same time likely to jump if a possom shakes a branch overhead. He's just The One because he's the confluence of trillions of admirable and not-so-admirable qualities which culminate in being a "key" so to speak. He's really surprised to discover he's the key, because he doesn't feel exceptionally exceptional. He does feel "different" though. And maybe what he lacks in divine qualities he makes up for in passionate determination. He's definitely convinced of God's love, and prepared to do all that God asks in order to fulfill the Righteous God's Loving Plan, even though he only became aware that he knew God a few weeks ago. (It actually seems perfectly explicable that the Jesus of the Bible lived for more than 30 years in obscurity before proclaiming his ministry – I'm betting Jesus had no idea he was Jesus until God told him too.)


I want to add that I dispute the notion that this matrix is an "illusion," because that word describes something that can be cpariciously manipulated into anything you want it to be. An illusion abides by no rules. The illusionist can decide that the illusion be anything or do anything at any time. This universe (matrix), however, does follow rules. So while it may not be the "reality" we thought we knew, it still has consequence. This universe can't be just anything. It and we and Jesus must follow rules, and as such this place is "real" even though there are rules which can seemingly "break the rules" – when in fact it's just discovery of a lesser known rule. So the Chosen One, God's son, has all the ingredients to discover this rule, which is like a key that unlocks the door of all doors, giving him the powers and knowledge he needs to bring about the change. Maybe at the point that he understands the rule which gives him the ability to do God's work in full he is someone else than the man he knew. I can only guess. Like a child who is afraid of the dark, he just grows up, and he looks back on the child he was fondly but wouldn't really want to be afraid of the dark again.


I am pretty sure he goes back to God at the end of this chapter, though. It's not a tragedy. He wants to go. He loves this world and he cries at the thought of leaving it, but wants to be with God again that badly because he really loves him that much. Plus he's really curious.