Anonymous ID: 25a7f5 Jan. 24, 2020, 11:54 a.m. No.7901459   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1479 >>1488 >>1494 >>1500 >>1506 >>1514 >>1515 >>1590 >>1601 >>1617

Not Sure on the source? But interesting none the less.


CORONAVIRUS: Reports of 10,000 DEAD in Wuhan, China


Posted January 24th, 2020 at 10:06 AM (CST) by Bill Holter:




I just received a call from a close American friend of mine who just got off the phone with a Chinese friend, who has relatives in Wuhan. He says there may already be ~10,000 dead there from the virus. He was quite graphic about dreadful conditions in the city. He opined that the government was not coming clean on real facts. Imagine that?


It is far worse Bill than people imagine: My friend reiterated that Wuhan, more than other places in China, has a local population which consumes rats, bats, snakes, etc. , just like I told him.


His Wuhan relative recounted incidents of people walking down street and dropping dead. I see why the government has quarantined the place, which means nobody (especially the press) gets out or into the city.


This is really scary stuff. I imagine that China was, and is covering up what they thought was contained and now is not and I doubt they understand the scope of global fallout that they have unleashed.






Thanks Robert, truly sad on several levels.

Anonymous ID: 25a7f5 Jan. 24, 2020, 12:07 p.m. No.7901584   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1596


I said I wasn't sure abut the source You blind cum guzzling gutter whore.

Its from a fucking blog article the sauce is in the post you little cunt so how bout you shut the fuck up.